Granny Bing,
Fare enough! ;-)
Since there was no question, I'd like to give you a little something
taxi-related in lieu of an answer:
The Pope flies into New York City for a convention. He's running very
late, so he decides to take a cab. He asks the taxi driver to drive
him from the airport into Manhattan as quickly as possible. The
driver, having recognized the Pope, eagerly agrees.
However, a mile or so into the trip, the Pope notices that the taxi
driver is driving very, very slowly. The driver's hands are shaking,
and he is sweating from the anxiety of wanting to impress the Pope.
Not wanting to miss his convention, the Pope gently asks whether he
could drive the cab himself.
The driver pulls over and switches seats with the Pope.
The Pope floors the accelerator and takes off like an angel out of
heaven, doing 120 miles per hour, zipping from one lane to another to
help gain some time.
Soon a police officer notices this erratic driving, and pulls the cab
As the officer walks up to the cab, he immediately recognizes the
Pope, and quickly retreats to his squad car.
The policeman gets on the radio to his superior officer: "Sir, I have
a situation here. I think I have just pulled over someone very, very
"Is it the Mayor?" says the chief.
"No, more important than the Mayor," answers the officer.
"More important than the Mayor? Who did you pull over, the President?"
exclaims the chief.
The officer pauses for a moment and then answers, "No, I think that
this man is even more important than the President."
"Who in the world can be more important than the President?" says the
"Well, sir, I am not sure who he is, but the Pope is his chauffeur."
Best regards from
pinkfreud |