I have carefully researched your question and have your answer.
I first located a list of Jean-Pierre Jeunet's recent movies. He
recently directed a movie called Amelie. The link is
I obtained the name of a production company he works with from a press
Amélie (Cinema)
DM 2.000.000,--
(Euro 1.022.500,--)
Production Companies: Victoires Productions, Paris
MMC Independent, Cologne
Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Screenplay: Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Guillaume Laurant
Cast: Mathieu Kassovitz, Audrey Tautou
You may read the entire release online. The link is
I then conducted a search for the following terms: "Victoires
Productions" "Jean-Pierre Jeunet."
From there, I was able to locate his official web site. The link is
You may view this in French, as well. The link is
I found this address for Jean-Pierre Jeunet:
Jean-Pierre JEUNET
c/o Artmédia
20, Avenue Rapp
75 007 Paris
I then E-Mailed one of the English translators of the site to verify
this is an address at which he personally accepts mail. I got a quick
return E-Mail confirmation.
To conduct this research, I also searched the following terms: contact
"Jean-Pierre Jeunet," contact "Victoires Productions" paris
I hope this helps. If you need any clarification, please don't
hesitate to ask.
darrel-ga |