Hello frankh-ga
I think Ive found what youre looking for in some Power Point slides
from the 15th Annual USC Demographic Workshop June 24, 2002. I think
the Bay Area presentation provides the migration information you
Exploring Migration Patterns in the San Francisco Bay Area
Note: The name of the presenter is on the cover slide. I looked up the
ABAG Web site and found his name and contact information listed in the
employee directory. If the Power Point presentation doesnt meet your
needs, Im sure that the author will be able to point you to the
Census sources he used.
ABAG Phone Directory by Employee Name
Domestic Migration, 1990 2000
Effects on the Size and Composition of Californias Population
Issues in Developing State Population Projections
This is another Power Point Presentation from the USC demographics
workshop. It has only one slide related to your search but I thought
you would enjoy some of their wonderful graphs and maps.
us census california migration
If this information doesnt meet your requirement please let me know
and Ill dig further.
czh |
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Nov 2002 16:59 PST
I am impressed with the power point slides you have found, but they do
not contain exactly the data I was interested in. They mostly give
analysis for 5 or 10 year periods of time and they also don't seperate
out Santa Clara and San Mateo counties from either the Bay Area or
California as a whole. I really want to see data on an ANNUAL basis
for the last 5 or 10 years for those two counties.
I have written email to all 3 of authors of the 3 power point
presentations you found. If I get the data via that route, I will
consider that you have answered my question with 5 stars. However I
expect I will not hear from them untill at least next week sometime
due to Thanksgiving. Otherwise can you find exactly the information I
am looking for some other way? I will not rate your answer till I get
the data I want from you or the 3 authors I emailed. I am sorry, but
I would have to say that if I never get the data, I would have to ask
for a refund. Sorry.
Clarification of Answer by
27 Nov 2002 18:03 PST
No problem. Clearly the data is available from the Census Bureau.
We'll just have to do a bit more digging. I'll be back with you on
this later this week. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Clarification of Answer by
01 Dec 2002 19:17 PST
Hello frankh-ga,
I think Ive found the table youre looking for at the State of
California, Department of Finance, Demographic Research Units Web
site. In addition to the historical census information youre looking
for, this site also indicates that the department will provide custom
research for a fee if you cant find what you need in their standard
reports. I wish you success with your project.
Revised Historical Population Estimates and Components of Change, July
1, 1990-1999 (.xls, 200k)
Tables include information for all California counties for the
following elements:
Population (July 1)
Natural Increase
Net Migration
Net Immigration
Net Domestic Migration
California State Census Data Center (SCDC) Products and Services
Department of Finance -- Demographic Research Unit
Special Services
State Census Data Center demographers can prepare: custom computer
reports, custom maps, custom CD-ROM data products
For information and pricing, please call (916) 323-4086.
Request for Answer Clarification by
03 Dec 2002 15:36 PST
Thanks! I have almost everything I asked for except for the
data/estimates for the period July 1, 1999 to July 1, 2000! I didn't
rate your answer yet cause I was trying to find this one data point on
the new CA DoF site you have found. Can you find that one number? I
haven't been able to find it yet. I have all the yearly data from
July 1, 1990 thru July 1, 1999. Then I have an estimate from April 1,
2000 (the census date) to July 1, 2000 and data from July 1, 2000 to
July 1, 2001 (both from the census site). So, I am left with just a 9
month gap! Could you look just a little harder for that 1 piece of
data? I would also love an estimate for July 1, 2001 to July 1, 2002
if possible. I gaurantee you will get 5 stars for what you have done
already, but the size of the tip will be influenced by getting this
last little piece (or 2) of data... Thanks again!
Clarification of Answer by
03 Dec 2002 19:55 PST
Hello frankh-ga,
The information you're looking for is in the yearly "Report E-2,
County Population Estimates and Components of Change for July 1." It
is published annually in February. You still need the one for
1999-2000 and the one for 2001-2002 will be published in February,
I couldn't find the E-2 Report for 1999-2000 anywhere online so I've
sent an e-mail to the Demographic Research Unit asking for help. It
has to exist because I've found references to it in various reports.
I'll let you know when I get an answer.
Clarification of Answer by
09 Dec 2002 13:25 PST
Hello again,
I haven't forgotte about your request but the agencies that could help
with your quest have not been very responsive. I've contacted both the
Association of Bay Area Governments and the State of California
Demographic Research Unit to get the missing report you're waiting for
but they have not responded to repeated attempts. Perhaps you would be
more successful if you sent them your request in writing. I'll let you
know when I get an answer. I'm sorry that something so simple has
become such a tough quest.