I want you to find me a list of ever Sonic The Hedgehog game ever
made. You cann take a look at http://www.sonichq.org/games/index for a
list of most of them, but it's not all. I remember lots of other,
obscure games for things like cell phones, Japanese arcades and also
other, super-rare or practically unknown Sonic games. So, I want u
guys to get me a list of ALL Sonics, categorized by country of origin
and system it's for, including the ones I already have, but I want u
to find not just a few that aren't on that list, but literally EVERY
Sonic game ever. If possible, I'd like you to find an official list
from SEGA Inc. itself, so I know that it's truly complete. I think I
got all the regular, American games. What I'm looking for now are the
Sonic games that were only released in other countries (Japan) and
weirdo, rare obscure ones that most people have never heard of, I just
want a complete list of all Sonic games, no matter of country of
origin, system, date, or level of obscurity. Even the ones for PC,
Arcade, and extinct systems like that Sega Pico and the ones you can
play on cell phones. I'm sure that, looking under Sega website, there
must be some kinda archives you could check somewhere that would have
the complete list I'm looking for, all I'm saying is, I just want to
know all of 'em! COMPLETE list. |