I have carefully researched your questions all night and have your
I, too, run a small business and have been through the processes that
youre discussing. Ive been through growth spurts as well as the
frustrations of cutting back. As the economy goes, so goes my company
it seems like. I will do my best to walk you through the issues
concerning you. If any of what Im telling you is not clear, please
dont hesitate to ask for clarification.
I have found that the main key to finding the right person for the job
is getting enough qualified applicants so you have a choice. Youre in
a good-sized city, so its partly a matter of proper advertising,
talking with the right people, asking the right questions, and finding
someone whos a proper fit.
The first step is deciding what type of employee youre looking for.
Write descriptions of both jobs. Decide which aspects of the job are
the most important. Rank them, so you have an easily accessible sheet
with which characteristics you need most.
Youll want to create an application form that people can fill out.
Make sure you ask for names, addresses, phone numbers, employment
history and any other information youd like to know that would be
important when evaluating your candidates. Be sure to attach your job
description to the application, so potential employees will know up
front what they could expect.
Create a budget for your job searches. Make sure you dedicate certain
funds to finding the people who are going to lead your company into
the future. If you scrimp here, you may not attract the best possible
individuals to apply.
Next, you need to decide how to get the word out. As I understand it,
this is the topic youre asking for the most information. There are
many different inexpensive ways to find applicants: newspaper ads,
Internet ads, bulletin board postings, targeting fliers, postings with
your province workforce commission, talking with area schools, talking
with other area employers, and etc.
Talk with your current employees and ask them to refer people they
know who might have an interest in the position. Good employees likely
will be happy to find other people who would make good employees. (You
may even want to make it a contest: Offer a bonus to any employee who
refers the person you end up hiring.)
Talk with those you meet about the positions. Your business contacts
can end up serving you in more ways than one. Tell them about the kind
of people youre looking for and ask them if they know of anyone they
can recommend. Talk with people at your Rotary Club meeting. Talk with
clients, etc.
Call your area industry groups. If you belong to a modeling
association, call them and ask them to post the positions on their
bulletin boards and in their magazines. Also, you may find it helpful
to ask for the jobs to be posted with related industry groups. If
youre looking for a general manager/bookkeeper, perhaps you want to
advertise with an area business managers group.
You may want to advertise in your local newspapers. Make sure your ad
is effective. And make sure your ad has enough space, so you have
enough space to describe the job and what youre looking for.
Specifically, I would contact local colleges for your assistant job.
If you can find someone whos just graduated who can dedicated
him/herself to your company, you may find a real winner. People right
out of college often have a great deal of enthusiasm, as they want to
prove themselves. I would also contact past clients of yours. Are
there current or former models who would like to be your assistant?
These individuals already understand the industry and whats involved.
And if you find someone you trust and get along well with, it may be a
good fit. For this job, youll also want to advertise in places where
your ideal candidate would see the ad. Youre looking for someone
reliable, energetic, who can be organized and get the job done right.
Which kinds of publications do these people read in your area? You may
find your best results if you talk with your business contacts about
whom they might recommend. You might find that someone at a different
business that you work with regularly is looking for something
Regarding the general manager/bookkeeper position, perhaps youll want
to contact professional development and training schools for managers
or accountants. These kinds of schools will have people who have been
around the block a few times, who are studying to move up in their
careers, and who now have the information they need to get the job
done right. You may also want to advertise in local business magazines
and newspapers. It sounds as if the ideal candidates for this job
would read these types of publications.
Develop quality interview questions. Make a list of the questions you
want to ask. These questions should coincide with your job
descriptions. You want the questions to be targeted toward the answers
youre looking for. Ask open-ended, leading questions (not questions
that require a yes or no). Your goal should not only be to find
out whether the person is qualified for your jobs, your goal should
also be to decide whether the person is the right fit for your
company. Also make sure you answer any questions the interviewee has.
And notice the level of interest the interviewee shows toward the
One good idea that very few businesses do when it comes to hiring is
not only have yourself interview the candidates. But select one or two
of your prized employees to sit down, either individually or as a
group, to talk with the potential hirees. Some successful managers do
this practice in order to gain an added, important perspective. This
will also allow your current employees to feel as though they have a
role in the hiring process and will ease the transition for your
existing employees when you bring a new person on board.
You may read How to Write a Job Analysis and Description. The link
is http://www.entrepreneur.com/Your_Business/YB_SegArticle/0,4621,304062,00.html
You may read How to Write a Job Ad. The link is
You may read 10 practical hiring tips. The link is
To help you find good places to look for good employees, you may want
to read 9 Places To Find Employees. The link is
You may want to use the Internet to help you look for good employees.
The link is http://www.entrepreneur.com/Your_Business/YB_SegArticle/0,4621,291122,00.html
You may read Hiring tips from top headhunters. The link is
You may read Use Job Applications and Resumes to Narrow the Field.
The link is http://www.entrepreneur.com/Your_Business/YB_SegArticle/0,4621,303961,00.html
There are laws about what you can and cannot ask during job
interviews. You may want to read 13 Questions to Avoid. The link is
You need to make sure your company complies with your state workers
compensation laws. Youll want to check your states BWC information.
You may also want to read an article online. The link is
You noted that youre considering hiring a business plan consultant to
create your business plan. Business plans are important. They allow
you to organize your thoughts on paper, so all managers in your
company understand where your business is at the moment and where it
is headed. Business plans typically look three-to-five years into the
future. But they can be for any time frame that you want them to be.
Business plans are mainly for your own benefit, unless youll be
looking to solicit potential investors with the plan in which case,
youll want to make your plan more professional looking.
You may, of course, contact the business department of an area school
to do this for you. But I actually would recommend you doing it
yourself the first time. This way, you will understand what goes into
preparing this document. And you can adjust it as you create it to
your liking. You may wish to create a business plan committee at your
company consisting of however many individuals you want it to include.
The more minds, the better the plan.
Ive created several different business plans. Its recommended you
create a new business plan each year. That way you can have an updated
look at your business.
Im going to include some links to some sample business plans online
and some other information below about what should be included and how
to create such a document. But I also am attaching below the outline
to my latest business plan. Feel free to use it verbatim if you want.
Its a basic business plan with all the information that youll want
to include:
1.0 Executive Summary
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Mission
1.3 Key To Success
1.3.1 Internal Factors
1.3.2 External Factors
2.0 Company Summary
2.1 Company Ownership
2.2 Company History
2.3 Company Location
3.0 Services
3.1 Product and Service Description
3.2 Competitive Comparison
3.3 Sales Literature
3.4 Sourcing
3.5 Technology
3.6 Future Products and Services
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
4.1 Market Segmentation
4.2 Target Marketing Segment Strategy
4.2.1 Market Needs
4.2.2 Market Trends
4.3 Service Business Analysis
4.3.1 Industry Participants
4.3.2 Competition and Buying Patterns
4.3.3 Main Competitors
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
5.1 Strategy Pyramids
5.2 Value Proposition
5.3 Competitive Edge
5.4 Marketing Strategy
5.4.1 Positioning Statements
5.4.2 Pricing Strategy
5.4.3 Promotion Strategy
5.4.4 Distribution Strategy
5.4.5 Marketing Programs
5.5 Sales Strategy
5.5.1 Sales Forecast
5.5.2 Sales Program
5.6 Strategic Alliances
5.7 Milestones
6.0 Management Summary
6.1 Structure of Organization
6.2 Management Team
6.3 Gaps in Management Team
6.4 Plan for Personnel
7.0 Financial Plan
7.1 Important Assumptions
7.2 Key Financial Indicators
7.3 Break-even Analysis
7.4 Projected Profit and Loss
7.5 Projected Cash Flow
7.6 Projected Balance Sheet
7.7 Business Ratios
7.8 Long-term Plan
You may read Does It Pay To Hire A Business Plan Consultant? The
link is http://www.entrepreneur.com/Your_Business/YB_SegArticle/0,4621,290724,00.html
You may read Entrepreneur Magazines An Introduction to Business
Plans online. The link is
You may read an outline regarding what your business plan should
include online. The link is
You may read Entrepreneur Magazines Creating a Business Plan thats
You. The link is http://www.entrepreneur.com/Your_Business/YB_SegArticle/0,4621,291612,00.html
You may read Entrepreneur Magazines Projecting Income. The link is
You may read Determining Your Competition. The link is
You may read Plan Your Plan online. The link is
You may read Compose A Winning Business Plan. The link is
You may read Business Plan Risks. The link is
You may view a sample business plan online. The link is
I found a group of web links to government web sites that can help
with your business plan. The link is
Business Pro 2003 is some rather effective and affordable software
that can help you out greatly. With this software, youll be able to
project income with charts and graphs, outline and format your
business plan and read sample business plans. I believe it retails for
$99. You may read about this software online. The link is
It sounds as if youre certainly on the right track in order to fix
the frustrations your staff is feeling due to your increase in size. A
business plan can go a long way to fixing these problems. It will help
you foresee future needs, as your business continues to grow. And it
can help with overall morale.
To conduct this research, I searched the following terms:
"hiring tips"
"hiring the right employee"
"how to find good employees"
business "growing pains" frustrating
I hope this helps. Again, please ask for clarifications for anything
here that isnt clear.
darrel-ga |