Hi, chemguy-ga:
The NetCDF library (source code and binary) is freely available for
downloading at Unidata, a multidisciplinary program center sponsored
by the National Science Foundation. Software developed by Unidata is
licensed "as is" under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL) or similar
[Unidata Participation Policy: Provision of Software]
(about 2/3rds of the way down the page)
The NetCDF application is "copyrighted by UCAR and [is] intended to be
freely available with very minimal restriction."
[Unidata netCDF Copyright Notice]
[NetCDF Copyright Agreement
Only limited support can be provided to individual developers, mostly
in the form of FAQs, mailing lists, and support archives (see
Participation Policy above).
As previously mentioned, I would start here for both source
code/makefiles to a Microsoft VC 6.0 implementation, and a binary
(DLL) for version 3.5.0 (beta 3.5.1):
To build the library yourself, get the makefile:
and the source code:
First unzip the source code where you want it, preserving the
subdirectory structure. Then copy netcdf-3.5.0.win32make.VC6.zip into
the netcdf-3.5.0/src directory, and unzip it from there. Read
WIN32_INSTALL.txt for directions on the commandline (nmake) build
process. No Visual Studio project is provided because of
incompatibilities with directory structures for UNIX makefiles.
To use the pre-built binary, get the file:
Of the online documentation links:
[NetCDF (Network Common Data Form)]
the most useful for C applications is this:
[NetCDF User's Guide for C, ver. 3]
There is Appendix C, Summary of C Interface, which shows the library
function declarations at a glance. The single biggest difficulty in
making these calls from Visual Basic is dealing with the lack of a
pointer among Visual Basic datatypes. The workaround techniques are
somewhat well known:
[HOWTO: Write C DLLs and Call Them from Visual Basic]
[Passing VB Strings to a DLL Procedure]
[HOWTO: Pass a String between Visual Basic and Your C DLL]
The general idea is that Visual Basic tries to pass most things "by
reference" to an external routine, and so passes a pointer. However
the String datatype in Visual Basic is already a pointer, so these are
to be passed "By Val".
Callback functions would be another "imponderable" but I didn't spot
anything in the user's guide that looked like one to me.
For more specific approaches we should probably pick a library
function or two to discuss in depth.
regards, mathtalk-ga
Search Strategy
Keywords: NetCDF copyright
Keywords: NetCDF "source code"
Keywords: "Visual Basic" "C DLL" pointer
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