Hi hellscream-ga,
There are a number of options you can utilize to display RSS feeds
on your page. Here they are :
Check out these articles that tell you how to display and format
RSS feeds using XML.
- How To Display XML Data in your HTML Documents
( http://www.creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/XMLhtmlT/XMLhtmlT.htm )
Describes a simple, easy-to-implement technique for displaying
XML data on web pages without resorting to server-side programming.
Note however that the technique discussed only works in Microsoft
Internet Explorer.
- XML Transformations with CSS and DOM
( http://developer.apple.com/internet/css/xmltransformations.html
Shows how you can display and format contents of a RSS feed using
XML and CSS. Code for Mozilla 1.0
You can do this with the help of a variety of open-source tools
written in Perl, Python, PHP and ASP. The parser reads a stream of XML
text, identifies the opening and closing tags, finds the text enclosed
in each tag, and creates handles to work with the parsed information.
Once parsed, this information can be incorporated into dynamically
generated pages.
- Brand Ben Brown Software : RSS Monkey
( http://brandbenbrown.com/display.html/rssmonkey )
Perl script that allows you to parse RSS feeds and display them
as per the provided HTML temlate.
- PullRSS Perl Script
( http://www.webreference.com/scripts/ )
Another template based RSS to HTML converter.
- HotScripts.com : Search terms : rss feed
( http://www.hotscripts.com/search/?bool=AND&query=rss+feed&category=all
List of various free scripts you can use to parse and display RSS
- Zend : Displaying an RSS feed with PHP
( http://www.zend.com/zend/spotlight/code-gallery-wade6.php )
This article takes a look at the basic structure of a RSS
document and then shows you how to use PHP to display that document on
your site.
- IBM DeveloperWorks :An introduction to RSS news feeds
( http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/w-rss.html?dwzone=web
This article includes sample code that demonstrates elements of
an RSS file, plus a Perl example using the module XML::RSS
- USE JAVA or other RSS parsing servers
If for some reason, you cannot employ server side scripting, you are
left with no choice but to use a JAVA applet on your page, or to let
some other server parse the RSS file and provide you with the HTML
- RSSApplet 1.2 Java Applet
( http://webreference.com/xml/tools/rssapplet.html )
RSSApplet is a Java applet that displays news headlines stored
in the Rich Site Summary (RSS) XML format.
You can also try out these external services which transform the RSS
channel into HTML for you :
- Wytheville Community College News Center
( http://www.wc.cc.va.us/services/news/ )
- UKOLN RSS-xpress Lite
( http://rssxpress.ukoln.ac.uk/lite/include/ )
You just have to link the html code they produce into your page,
using the Javascript code they provide.
I hope one of the solutions given above will solve your problem.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
- RSS Info : News and information on the RSS format
( http://blogspace.com/rss/tools )
- GotzeLinked : RSS
( http://slashdemocracy.org/links/XML/Syndication/RSS/ )
- ActiveServerPages.org : Tips and Tutorials: XML and ASP
( http://www.activeserverpage.org/directory.asp?cat=130 )
Google Search terms Used :
how to display rss feed in html file
how to display rss feed in html file tutorial
java applet display rss feed in html file |