Hello princess1,
I have compiled a list of all suggestions that I could find and
hopefully one of them will help you retrieve your password. I am not
sure what correspondence you have had with Yahoo about your password,
have you emailed them and received any reply from that at all? What
was the reply that they sent you? (please exclude any personal
information when posting it).
You mentioned that you were not able to recover the password by using
the "secret question." Here is another method you can use to recover
your password without needing the secret answer.
Visit the sign-in problems page:
and from there you will supply them with basic verification
information. This will include your birthday, zip code and country.
Enter your Yahoo ID (the first part of your email address) and click
Get NEW Password. You can now click on "Get it in an Email" and your
password will be sent to the email address you gave at registration.
If you do NOT have access to the email address, but remember what the
old email address was, Yahoo will reset your password based on my
research if you contact them. Go to this webpage:
Enter your Yahoo ID, temporary email address and chose "What if I
forget my Password." Where it says type your feedback here, tell them
everything you know about the account, including your old email
address (knowing this is critical), address information, birth date
information, roughly when you signed up etc. Try to write up this
information in a respectful way and finally offer them your phone
number and tell them you would like to discuss this over the phone if
at all possible.
If you know the password, but are not sure which letters are
capitalized, (but have a rough idea), you might be able to figure it
out by trying a few variations. The problem is if you do not know
within 1 or 2 characters the number of combinations that it could be
is staggering.
You might also try phoning Yahoo media relations and asking them if
there is anything they can do to get you in contact with the right
people who would be able to help you. You can find their phone number
at the following page: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/address/ Note that
they might not be able to help you but it is worth a try. Another
number to try is: (408) 731-3300 (this is the administrative contact
for the Yahoo domain). Again it is unlikely that these people will be
able to help you, but they might be able to have someone call you back
who can help.
Please update me on the status of the above information and let me
know if you have heard back from Yahoo at all so far. Also if you
provided incorrect registration (your address, age, other email),
chances are you will not be able to recover the account. However
inconvienient this may be, Yahoo and other major email providers have
to do this to ensure that the privacy of its users is not compromised.
I look forward to your response to this answer, and will continue to
try my best to help you resolve this problem. Please do not take this
as a final answer, I will be here to respond to any questions or
concerns that you have regarding this issue.
Search Strategy:
"yahoo password" recover
recover yahoo password
yahoo password recovery
://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=+site:yahoo.com+yahoo+password+recovery |