The best place I have found for this information is Cite Seer.
Computer Science Papers NEC Research Institute
There are others, like these :
Documents in Information Science
"FindArticles is a specialized search engine designed to help you
quickly and easily find published articles on the topics that interest
you. Our database has hundreds of thousands of articles from more than
300 magazines and journals, dating back to 1998. FindArticles even
brings some print-only publications to the Web for the first time." --
"Help" page
HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer Interaction Resources
"The HCI Bibliography is a free-access online bibliographic database
on Human-Computer Interaction. The basic goal of the Project is to put
an electronic bibliography for most of HCI on the screens of all
researchers, developers, educators and students in the field through
the World-Wide Web and anonymous ftp access." -- "About" page
ITpapers.com: The Yellow Pages of White Papers
"ITpapers is the Yellow Pages of White Papers, with links to over
20,000 White Papers (over 30,000 by the end of 2001). A free service,
ITpapers enables visitors to find links to precisely the White Papers
they need, quickly and easily, with summaries and visitor reviews
guiding their selection." -- "About" page
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