gaffroz --
I have found a citation to an abstract of the study that should give
you the information you need to reference it in your thesis or to
locate a copy if necessary.
Here is the citation:
"Beliefs of Nebraska Pharmacists on Abortion, Assisted Suicide, and
Pharmacists' Right of Conscientious Refusal," by Desimone E., et al.,
Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, March/April 2000,
p. 273 (abstract).
I found the information at this link to the Journal of the American
Pharmaceutical Association website:
Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association
When you reach this page, click on the "Search" button and enter the
search terms "Nebraska 2000." The first result returned will be the
page of the Journal's index that links to the citation. On this page,
choose "D," the initial letter of the author's name and then scroll
down through the alphabetical listing to "Desimone."
If you need to locate a copy of the study as well as reference it, the
complete citation should enable you to track one down.
To further assist you, here is a link to a page providing information
on Edward M. Desimone II, Professor of Pharmacy Sciences at Creighton
University in Omaha, NE. It seems fair to assume that he is the
Desimone who co-authored the study:
Edward M. Desimone II
Creighton University School of Pharmacy
Finally, here is a link providing information concerning J.D. Bramble,
an assistant professor in the Creighton U. School of Pharmacy. Under
the circumstances, it seems very likely that he is the Prof. Bramble
that you cite in your question as a co-author:
J.D. Bramble
Creighton University School of Pharmacy
Search Strategy:
pharmacy research nebraska
nebraska pharmacists association
american pharmaceutical association
If any of the information above is unclear, or if any of the links
don't work, please post a request for answer clarification, and I will
be happy to help.
markj-ga |