Hi there,
I saw your question directly after advising some friends of where they
could find my photos online, at:
I've been using Yahoo for a couple of weeks as a place to share my
photos, and I am very impressed by the ease of use, variety of options
and free storage of up to 30MB. Many free storage sites have
disappeared in recent times, and I'd rate Yahoo as being the most
likely to still offer this service a few years down the track.
Aside from my strong recommendation to try Yahoo, here are some other
sites which offer free online photo storage:
Ofoto - editing tools, photo printing, unlimited storage. Chosen by
Yahoo! Internet Life as the best overall photo site in 2001.
MSN Groups - similar to Yahoo, but lacks the ease of use.
DotPhoto - aimed at serious end of digital photography. Free storage
of pics, plus the ability to gain royalties from selling your photos.
Picture Trail - appears quite simple to use.
PBase - free, but they are indicating that they might start charging
Search Strategy
Google Directory - Virtual Disk Drives > Photo Sharing
There are many more sites of this ilk listed in the directory above -
I've just listed the ones that stand out from the crowd.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |