Hi there,
CometSystems have a Google search which, when you click on "archived
copy", gives you the date of when Google last indexed a particular web
page. In the case of bikersandhikers.com it was November 10.
There is no way of knowing when the Google crawler (known as
GoogleBot) will next visit a website, although for most sites it will
visit once a month. Regardless of when it visits, the consequence of
its visit - updating how the site appears in Google search results -
will only happen when the entire Google index is updated. This happens
roughly once a month, and last occured on Nov 30.
A history of Google updates is at WebMasterWorld:
The next update will most likely occur between Xmas and New Year. It
takes a few days to settle in - Google has hundreds of servers to
update, and some ISP caches take a while to change as well - this
hiccup of sorts is affectionately known as the Google Dance. So don't
be surprised if the site comes up when you search for "Bikers &
Hikers", and then doesn't an hour later.
After the Google Dance is over, the site should be listed, and I would
expect it to be the top result for "Bikers & Hikers":
The above search currently lists a number of sites which have the
address and phone number for Bikers & Hikers. Emailing them and
letting them know the new website's URL will enable them to link to
the site, and increase its ranking at Google.
I had a good look at the site, and there is nothing wrong with it in
terms of search engines, although this has me puzzled:
The page is within <form></form> tags, and the only purpose seems to
be the inclusion of tags like this to contain keywords:
<input type="hidden" name="Houston bike shops">
I've not seen this before, and I doubt any search engine has a problem
with it, although far better places for keywords are the Title, image
ALT tags and headline tags like <H1>.
Otherwise the site suits its purpose very well.
Search Strategy
Personal experience
I hope this answers your question. If any portion of my answer is
unclear, please ask for clarification.
Best wishes,
robertskelton-ga |