Dear Searchbot,
I hope everything is fine with you, because I haven't heard from you
in ages.
The meaning of the word "Broadway" in English is by the way "cow
path", see a Google Group discussion at
New York was first inhabited by the Dutch, in 1609. According to the
Swiss version of 'Thinkquest', the area where Broadway is today was
back then an Indian (Native American) field. It was, according to a
New York history web site
<> already an established
trades and commerce route.
The Dutch, who came to the twon, built (apparently 1647) this way as
the longest street in Manhatten (30 km) and named the way that
connected New Haarlem and New Amsterdam, "Breedweg", (or Breedwegh)
which means "Broadway" in English, as it was named later by the
English. In 1670, part of the street was name Broad Wagon Way .
Manahtten's "forgotten streets" site
lists the combinations of the name.
Now for the street in Magdeburg. The site "Time Machine"
("Zeitmachine") from the university of Bremen shows beautiful
historcial pictures of the street, and notes (in English): "The
"Breite Weg" english Broadway just like in New York was the main
shopping street in Magdeburg. It had beautiful baroque-houses and was
the proud of all Magdeburgers"
Moreover, according to this site, the "Breiter Weg" architecture, was
the inspiration for the Broadway architecture
However, I'm afraid, that the street in Magdeburg is apparently not
related to the "real" Broadway, despite the fact that the names mean
the same - the name "Broadway" originated from the word in its Dutch
You can read a description of the naming of Broadway in the Swiss
and at
Search strategy: I have searched for "broadway" and "breiter weg", or
magedeburg, or "origin of the name" (in several combinations) or
"history" and for the dutch names as well.
I hope that answered your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification before you rate the answer. |