Hello again
The book is "Children of the Dust" by Louise Lawrence and it's been
republished several times since it first came out in 1985.
You can buy it from Amazon.co.uk for £4.99
Their synopsis starts:
"Everyone thought, when the alarm bell rang, that it was just another
fire practice. But the first bombs had fallen on Hamburg and
Leningrad, the headmaster said, and a full-scale nuclear attack was
imminent... It's a real-life nightmare. Sarah and her family have to
stay cooped up in the tightly-sealed kitchen for days on end, dreading
the inevitable radioactive fall-out and the subsequent slow, torturous
death, which seems almost preferable to surviving in a grey, dead
world, choked by dust. But then, from out of the dust and the ruins
and the desolation, comes new life, a new future, and a whole brave
new world..."
There's a long extract from the beginning of the book on the Random
House website:
Achuka.co.uk has a review/summary of "Children of the Dust". You can
either read it to check it's the right book - or not, if you want some
of it to come as a surprise on second reading!
Achuka teenage fiction recommendations
I hope you enjoy it as much this time round.
Please feel free to get back to me if anything needs clarification.
Regards - Leli
I thought my teenage daughter had told me about this book, so I asked
her for the title.
Then I used this search:
"Children of the Dust" Louise Lawrence
://www.google.com/search?q=%22children+of+the+dust%22+louise+lawrence&hl=en&lr=&cr=countryUK|countryGB&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sa=n&oq=%22children+of+the+dusr%22+louise+lawrence |