Dear Daddy1,
First of all, and that is very important - Google Answers is not
linked with the Google Index, and I am not a Google employee. I am,
though, sort of an expert on search engine submission, and in
particular in Google submission.
Two misconceptions are evident. The first is, that there is connection
between "Ad Words" and the regular index. Actually, "Ad Words" is a
program that is paid for (and personally recommended by me), but it is
not related to the indexing - or lack of indexing - in the Google
search results, which depends upon robot actions.
Google doesn't work like many other search engines, which are
human-edited. Google has a robot, which crawls between sites' links to
other sites, thereafter indexing them. Moreover, as much as a site is
linked by other sites, it has more chances to be indexed.
Here we get to the other misonception that you might have had.
Submission to the "submit a site" option is usually not enough. You
have to be linked to other sites. You might not appear in the index
because you are simply not linked to any other site.
There could be several reasons, why a site doesn't appear on the
Google Index.
The first bunch of reasons could be technic: your site posseses some
kind of feature, which blocks the Googlebot (the crawling robot that
indexes websites). Google themselves write:
You should check if your site is searchable for the Googlebot.
Proble,ms and reasons why a web-page owuld not be included in Google:
"1. Reasons your site may not be included.
A. Your pages are dynamically generated. We are able to index
dynamically generated pages. However, because our web crawler can
easily overwhelm and crash sites serving dynamic content, we limit the
amount of dynamic pages we index.
B. You employ doorway pages. Google does not encourage the use of
doorway pages. We want to point users to content pages, not to
doorways or splash screens.
C. Your page uses frames. Google supports frames to the extent that it
can. Frames tend to cause problems with search engines, bookmarks,
emailing links and so on, because frames don't fit the conceptual
model of the web (every page corresponds to a single URL). If a user's
query matches the site as a whole, Google returns the frame set. If a
user's query matches an individual page on the site, Google returns
that page. That individual page is not displayed in a frame -- because
there may be no frame set corresponding to that page.
If you are concerned with the description of your site as seen by
search engines, please read "Search Engines and Frames". It describes
the use of the 'NoFrames' tag, which is used to provide alternative
content. If, instead of providing alternative content, you use wording
such as "This site requires the use of frames" or "Upgrade your
browser", then you are excluding both search engines and people who
use browsers with frames turned off. (For example, audio web browsers,
such as those used in automobiles and by the visually impaired,
typically do not deal with frames, which are a visual mechanism.) You
can read about NoFrames in the HTML standard here:"
(Source: Google Information for Webmasters
It is not clear why, but many sites that are indexed in the
human-edited Google Dirctory have easier time later to get into the
machine-index. In other words, you'll increase your chance to be
indexed, and usually in good search result.
There are also some reasons for Google to remove manually your site
from their indexed. Google discourages (or maybe I should say - bans)
cloaking and link exchanges, and other "artificial" methods that would
make it look as if you are linked to many sites, that are actually not
linked to you.
Google have added to their manuel for Webmasters this page, that warns
you of using these placement programs:
:// : "Be careful if a
company is secretive or won't clearly explain what they intend to do.
Ask for explanations if something is unclear. If an SEO creates
deceptive or misleading content on your behalf, such as doorway pages
or "throwaway" domains, your site could be removed entirely from
Google's index. Ultimately, you are responsible for the actions of any
companies you hire, so it's best to be sure you know exactly how they
intend to "help" you." (Source: Google Information for Webmasters,
Search Engine Optimizers, :// ).
In any case, whenever you feel that you're unfairly not indexed, you
address your grievances to Google, at and They
do not "promise" to tell you why you are not indexed, or to instate
You can also use their FREE user support forum
You can find more information on Google's index at
I hope that answered your question. Please contact me for
clarifications on the answer. I'd be pleased to clarify my answer
before you rate it.
The reason you don't appear in Google's search engine could be, that
you haven't been crawled to yet. That might be because you are not
linked to any site, and no site links to you.
So, the first step you have to take in order to ensure a Google
indexing, is
to convince as many other site holders to link you site to theirs. For
example, sites of French tourism agencies, sites of Avignon tourist
board, sites that deal with tourism in France, etc (some of these site
may ask you to link theirs in return, that's the way it is).
You can also "advertise" your site in Google Groups
( that specialise in tourism in France, thus
maintaining the option
that people would voluntarily link to you.
Another fool proof method to be linked and indexed is to insert
yourself to the Google Directory ( All
you have to do is choose a category in the directory, that would
describe you the best, and using the "submit a site" option.
You can find more information on Google's index at
I hope that answered your question. Please contact me for
clarifications on the answer. I'd be pleased to clarify my answer
before you rate it. |