Hello kaelen-ga,
According to the biographical information provided by one of his
"Dr. William Arthur Ward is a graduate of Wheaton College, in Wheaton,
Illinois, and has spent fourteen years in seven different colleges and
universities, five of those years in the graduate department of the
University of Texas at Austin. Among others, he holds the Ph.D., D.
Litt., and D.D. degrees. Dr. Ward has preached for sixty years,
ministering in every state in the United States, in eighty-four
countries, and in nearly every big city of the world. A dedicated
scholar, he is the author of numerous books, was the editor for many
years of a popular Christian magazine, and has served as pastor and
teacher. His joy, however, is winning souls. He has an evangelist's
heart. He is never happier than when he is preaching the everlasting
Gospel. He and his wife reside in Richmond, Virginia."
"Miracles That I Have Seen, by Ward, Dr. William A."
McDougal Publishing
See also the following site, which puts the same information in the
past tense:
"William A Ward"
Calvary Bookstore
As indicated by the use of past tense, Mr. Ward has apparently passed
away, though the McDougal site seems to dispute that by saying he is
"now more than eighty years old". Other information indicates that
he lived from 1921-1994, and was "a beloved administrator at Texas
Wesleyan University."
"William Arthur Ward", thread on newsgroup <alt.quotations> (Feb. 18 -
May 26, 1998)
Google Groups
You may also be interested to know that Mr. Ward was the medical
supply officer at Camp Brady, Texas, during World War II.
"German POWs in North America"
- justaskscott-ga
Search terms used -
On Google:
"william arthur ward"
"william arthur ward" administrator
"william arthur ward" editor
"william arthur ward" "texas wesleyan"
On Google Groups:
"william arthur ward" |