Hello knellar,
The Western Hospital belonged to the Metropolitan Asylums Board, which
was set up in 1867 to provide a centrally planned service of fever
and smallpox isolation hospitals. In 1871, it acquired part of the
Lillie Bridge racing ground in Fulham, on which it constructed the
Western Hospital. The hospital was opened on 10 March 1877, and was
able to take 240 patients with smallpox or fever.
Information from the NHS History web site
The fact that it was a fever hospital is also documented at
In the 1901 Census, the Western Hospital, Fulham was still mentioned
as a hospital for infectious diseases. ,
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/jeffery.knaggs/Instuts.html This is a
web site of a private individual who is documenting institutions that
were enumerated separately from ordinary households in the Census. The
address here is given as Sedgmares Road, Fulham, although the web site
mentioned previously gave it as Seagrave Road, Fulham
It later served as a general hospital, and was noted by the fact that
one of its consultants, Dr W Howlett Kelleher, to design a new type of
iron lung in 1961. http://www.geocities.com/ironlungmuseum/ironlung.htm
Surviving archival material from the hospital, including the casebook
of the hospital for the years 1877-1968 are held in the Hammersmith
and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre (Reference : A2000/32)
Hammersmith and Fulham Archives and Local History Centre
The Lilla Huset
191 Talgarth Road
London W6 8BJ
Tel 020 8741 5159
Fax 020 8741 4882
Email lbhfarchives@hotmail.com
Information from the Historical Manuscripts Commission
Some archival material from the hospital is also available at LONDON
Web site http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/leisure_heritage/libraries_archives_museums_galleries/lma/
Information from the Wellcome Trust
http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/collections/pdf/LMA.pdf |