First of all, you won't get very far by referring to such shows as
"bootlegs". While there's not much of a legal difference between
different types of unofficial recordings, "bootleg" normally refers
to illicit reprints of commercially available material, or material
disguised as a commercial release. "Fan recording" or "live recording"
are safer terms - they tend to raise far less red flags. The key issue
with U2 recordings is whether it is done for profit.
U2 are well known for allowing people to record their shows as long as
it is not done for potential monetary gain. Here's what the U2 faq
says about it :
"During 2001, several other comments were made by the band regarding
the recording of their shows. They made it clear that they were fine
with people recording their performances and trading them. They did
make it clear that they were opposed to people making money from those
recordings. As Bono says, "We invite people to bootleg our shows. We
invite people to make copies, we've no problems with that, but if some
guy is gonna make money off the back of this, we're gonna find out
where he parks his car." Even with those comments being made, those
recording cannot openly do so at a show, as security does still take
steps to prevent that. [M2, AS]"
Unfortunately, with a show as old as the Joshua Tree, the ability to
find it on CD may be relatively limited. There are plenty of tape
copies of the show available, but a quick search of and produced no results.
You can try to track down individual owners of the show by following
the search strategy at the bottom of this answer, but read my words of
warning about dealing with unknown traders.
Your best best it to sign up with one of the U2 fan mailing lists and
ask if anyone has the show. Most likely, if you attended the show,
people will be happy to give you a copy of the show out of love for
the music and their fanaticism for turning people over to U2's music
(at most they may require that you provide your own media for
The original u2 fan list is u2-list on yahoogroups. Originally known
as wire, this list goes back to the dawn of the internet age :)
You can register for it at :
CAUTION : When dealing with live traders do not offer money. There are
plenty of companies out there that profit from the sale of CD
recordings for which they have no right to distribute. The copyright
of the material remains with the band, and if the recording is an
authorized fan recording, then the original taper maintains some of
the rights to that recording.
If you are in any doubt about the trader or the legal status of fan
recordings, ask on one of the fan mailing lists, or ask in the
official u2 chatroom at
Search Strategy :
u2 CDR 06-17-87 |