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ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
Category: Computers > Operating Systems Asked by: webdesignguy-ga List Price: $12.00 |
11 Dec 2002 05:01 PST
Expires: 10 Jan 2003 05:01 PST Question ID: 122955 |
Running IIS 5 on Win 2000 Pro machine - only for development purposes, not for live production. I have never been able to get .ASP pages to display on my machine - I continually get a 404 error. (They will work fine if I upload them to my webhost's machine - therefore isolating the problem to my machine). I can view HTML pages just fine. For example, if I use the browser to visit http://mymachine/testweb/plain.htm, it will come up just fine. If I try http://mymachine/testweb/test.asp, I will get a 404 error (I know the file is there and I have not typed it incorrectly). If I browse to the .ASP page in IE and try to open it, it will launch Front Page 2002. I'm not sure if this matters, but I did also create a virtual directory and point it to the directory containing the test.asp page. I am assuming that I have IIS installed correctly, but I really don't know for sure. I never play around with that type of part of my computer - I'm one of those folks that if it works, don't touch it. My only problem seems to be the ASP pages. I have a huge pile of other websites in my Inetput/wwwroot directory, so I want to pretty careful to make sure that I don't hurt anything with my other files. I read last night on some IIS newsgroups about the Application Mappings. I'm wondering if that might be part of the issue. I noticed that everything listed was going to 404.dll. I changed ASP, CER, CDX and ASA to point to ASP.DLL. The directory that the test.asp file is in has Read and Scripts permissions. I have never been able to get .ASP files to work on my machine. A while back I installed "IIS Lockdown" as recommended by Microsoft Security Website. However, the ASP pages did not work before this either. I would be happy to try and provide any additional information and would greatly appreciate an answer. I am quite a novice at this part of Win 2K, so hand holding would be great. Thanks for any help you can offer. I will be at my PC most of the day, so if you need clarification, I should be pretty quick in responding. Best regards, WebDesignGuy | |
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Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
Answered By: pwizard-ga on 16 Dec 2002 08:58 PST |
Greetings webdesignguy, Regarding your question about your ASP pages not working from IIS5, based on our troubleshooting sessions included in the comments section of this question, it looks like the best solution to your problem is going to be a uninstall/reinstall of the IIS5 application. We determined that at least one of the tabs in the IIS configuration having to do with ASP is completely missing and for some reason your application mappings were app pointing to invalid dll files. I'm not sure how those settings got that way, but trying to manually correct them proved to be fruitless. To me, it looks like either the application wasn't installed properly or completely the first time around. I recommend a complete uninstall/reinstall of IIS5, backing up all of the websites included (including the metabase). Hopefully this will correct the issue by reloading all of the IIS/ASP dll and content files. If this does not correct the issue, a deeper problem exists, most likely within the registry or within the Windows 2000 structure. A fresh install of Windows 2000 + IIS5 may be the only way to correct the issue at that point. I wish we could have come up with a fast and easy way to get your ASP pages working correctly, but IIS is a fairly complex application that spans deep into the Windows 2000 system. I was happy to work with you on this issue and will be happy to provide you with additional help if necessary. Just "Ask for Clarification" if I can be of further assistance. Good luck with your websites! Sincerely, PWizard |
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Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 11 Dec 2002 07:52 PST |
Greetings webdesignguy, I'd like to first direct you to the following TechNet article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;309051 Could you please go through the steps outlined in this article (to the best of your ability) and see if any of them correct your problem? Before compiling an answer, I would first like to determine whether you have a simple configuration problem with IIS or whether you may have something more serious going on with your system. Thanks, PWizard Google Answers Researcher |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: webdesignguy-ga on 11 Dec 2002 08:12 PST |
Thanks for the quick response... I printed off the article and started to work through it. Before I go nuts changing everything, perhaps my problem is right at the start. In step 1, it refers to having a Global.asa file. In the test web that I have right now, there is no Global.asa file. Is that the problem right off the bat? Thanks, WebDesignGuy |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 11 Dec 2002 09:17 PST |
I don't believe so. It's an optional file that's used to store permissions and settings. Here's more info on the file: http://www.intermedia.net/support/kb/default.asp?id=316 Since the Technet article suggests renaming it and then trying the ASP code, I would also think that ASP should run fine without this file. I think they were trying to eliminate this file as being the source of the problem. Please let me know how the rest of your troubleshooting sesion goes. Thanks! -PWizard Google Answers Researcher |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: webdesignguy-ga on 11 Dec 2002 09:45 PST |
Ok, I ignored the Global.asa file - my guess was that I didn't need it since I haven't used it in some simple sites with ASP (when running on a live server). I tried setting the application protection to low. Still no go. The next said to do the following: "If ASP pages still do not load, check Component Services in Administrative Tools to ensure that you can view the IIS packages. This ensures that Component Services is not failing." Do you know what I am supposed to be seeing? What are the IIS packages that they refer to? Under the Default Website, I see all of my list of sites, some of which have the funky icon which I suppose looks like a package. Am I supposed to be able to see the directories for IISsamples (which is above wwwroot inside of inetpub)? Thanks again, WebDesignGuy |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 11 Dec 2002 11:44 PST |
This step wants you to go to Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Component Services. Under Component Services, you should see Computers, then expand to My Computer. You should then see COM+ Applications and Distributed Transaction Coordinator. Expand COM+ Applications and you should see your IIS "packages". There should be at least 4 of them (IIS In Process Applications, IIS Out of Process, IIS Utils, etc). If they are missing, this is most likely your problem. This is what it's wanting you to check for. You can right click on these packages to "start" them, but they should already be started up by default. -PWizard |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: webdesignguy-ga on 12 Dec 2002 07:59 PST |
Thanks again for the info. I did as you suggested and sure enough I had IIS In Process Applications, IIS Out of Process, IIS Utils and then 5 of IIS {Default website//Root//NameOfSite}. It is rather obvious that I don't know much at all about IIS etc. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the "Application Mappings". When I select properties on one of my sites inside of IIS and then go to Application Configurations and then look at the Application Mappings, it shows that most are set to 'inetsrv\404.dll'. I did change ASP and ASA to go to asp.dll. Any guess if it is something wrong in the mappings section? It seems curious to me that I am getting a 404 error and many of these are pointing to 404.dll. Thanks again. WebDesignGuy |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 12 Dec 2002 08:16 PST |
Yes, it does sound odd that you had those settings in your application mappings. I can tell you the settings that we use in our IIS5 environment (we use ASP): APP MAPPINGS: .asa, .asp, .cdx, .cer all go to asp.dll with the following options (under EDIT): Limit to: OPTIONS,GET,HEAD,POST,TRACE Script Engine CHECKED. We don't have any documents pointing to 404.dll. On the next tab, APP OPTIONS, we have: Enable Session State CHECKED and enable Parent Paths CHECKED. Our default ASP Launguage is VBScript. The next tab, PROCESS OPTIONS, we have: First two boxes checked. Cache all requested ASP files checked. The last tab, APP DEBUGGING, we have: Neither of the first two items checked. Send detailed ASP error messages to client selected. I would verify these settings with yours. Reboot the server if you make any changes. Then try your asp files again and see what you get. I'll cross my fingers for you. -PWizard |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: webdesignguy-ga on 12 Dec 2002 09:29 PST |
I set my Application Mappings as you suggested, and the other options. Still no go. However, one thing was a different. I did not have a tab under configuration for the "Process Options". I'm assuming I should have had one? I just had mappings, options and debugging. Does that help? Thanks again, WebDesignGuy |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 12 Dec 2002 13:52 PST |
Well, to me it sounds like there is definitely something wrong with your IIS5 installation. I couldn't find any references to that Process Options tab being missing from your property sheet. Every server I looked at had it on there. I feel like either something wasn't installed correctly or completely with your IIS. My recommendation at this point is to uninstall IIS completely and re-install. You can do this from Add/Remove Program, then Add/Remove Windows Components. Make sure you reboot after uninstallation before re-installing. Also, you should probably re-apply SP3 or SP3 to this PC after you reinstall. Hopefully this will correct your problems. Just make a backup of your website(s) before doing this. I'm just not sure what else to recommend. It's obvious by our previous troubleshooting that something is wrong with the install, so this is probably the only way to correct it. Please let me know how it goes. -PWizard |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: webdesignguy-ga on 12 Dec 2002 14:23 PST |
Thanks again for the info. It sounds like you might just be correct, now that we have narrowed it down to a specific item that is missing. I was rather hoping to not have to uninstall/reinstall etc, etc. Perhaps I'll just develop on a live machine instead. I'll ponder on your advice. Even though I have backed up my sites, it would be a real pain to get them all back into wwwroot again. Do you know if they all get wiped out when uninstalling/reinstalling? BTW, it appears that you "commented" rather than "answering". How does this system get you the $? Thanks again, WebDesignGuy |
Re: ASP Pages not displaying on development machine - IIS, Win 2000 Pro
From: pwizard-ga on 12 Dec 2002 19:32 PST |
If you're satisfied with the comments I've provided you, I'll be happy to turn this into an offical "answer" and compile what we've discovered into readable format. I don't believe that an uninstall will wipe out your site info, but I haven't done it in quite a while, so I can't be for absolute certain. Usually on an uninstall, just the application is removed and not additional content you have added. Always have a backup just to be sure though. Here's an article regarding uninstalling and reinstalling IIS4. It probably holds true for IIS5 as I didn't see a different article just for that version. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;193152& Just let me know how you would like for me to proceed. Thanks. -PWizard |
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