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Level of poverty in public schools
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education Asked by: blue_bna-ga List Price: $10.00 |
11 Dec 2002 20:42 PST
Expires: 10 Jan 2003 20:42 PST Question ID: 123457 |
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Re: Level of poverty in public schools
Answered By: hlabadie-ga on 15 Dec 2002 21:06 PST Rated: ![]() |
The US Department of Education maintains a Web site for the National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov/ Unfortunately, several states, among them Tennessee, do not report the numbers for eligible students, and there are lacunae in the data. Here is what I have found. 1.) What is the average FARM for K-4, 5-8 and 9-12 schools in the United States? 1993-1994 seems to be the only year for which breakdowns are available. The same table appears from 1996 onward. http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/digest2001/tables/dt375.asp Table 375.Public school students receiving federally funded free or reduced price lunches, by selected school characteristics: School year 1993-94 ____________________________________________________________________ |Percent of students participating in program School |____________________________________________ characteristics | Total |Elementary|Secondary |Combined\1\ _______________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 _______________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ Total .........|33.2 (0.5)|38.8 (0.7)|22.0 (0.4)|39.1 (1.7) |__________|__________|__________|___________ Community type | | | | Central city ..........|44.9 (1.0)|52.1 (1.3)|28.9 (0.9)|52.2 (3.0) Urban fringe/large town|23.5 (0.9)|28.3 (1.4)|14.6 (0.6)|23.9 (3.8) Rural/small town ......|32.2 (0.6)|36.3 (0.8)|23.0 (0.4)|39.9 (1.9) | | | | School size (students) | | | | Less than 150 .......|38.6 (1.3)|38.4 (1.9)|35.8 (1.5)|50.2 (2.4) 150-299 .............|38.1 (0.9)|39.5 (1.2)|28.4 (1.1)|51.8 (4.9) 300-499 .............|37.0 (0.9)|38.8 (1.0)|26.2 (1.1)|37.3 (2.6) 500-749 .............|33.5 (0.9)|36.0 (1.0)|22.3 (0.7)|34.7 (2.2) 750 or more .........|29.7 (0.9)|42.5 (1.8)|20.6 (0.5)|34.3 (3.2) | | | | Minority students | | | | Less than 5% ........|22.0 (0.5)|24.4 (0.7)|17.0 (0.6)|28.6 (1.6) 5 to 19% ............|18.9 (0.5)|22.2 (0.8)|11.7 (0.4)|30.6 (2.3) 20 to 49% ...........|32.0 (0.7)|38.1 (1.0)|20.1 (0.4)|38.6 (5.0) 50% or more .........|57.3 (1.1)|65.5 (1.2)|38.9 (1.0)|60.6 (3.2) _______________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ NOTE: Combined schools include schools beginning with grade 6 or below and ending with grade 9 or above. Standard errors appear in parentheses. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared June 1998.) FY 1998, SY 1999-2000 Percentage of all students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (of schools reporting): 38.9% (87.1% of schools did report) FY 1999, SY 2000-2001 Percentage of all students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (of schools reporting): 39.3% (86.1% of schools did report) http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/discussion.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/100_largest/discussion.asp#tableC National Center for Education Statistics 100 Largest School Districts http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_1.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_2.asp Schools having membership: 15,465 Students eligible for free or reduced price lunches: 53.4% (90.1% of schools reporting) Percentage of students by race/ethnicity: Hispanic 31.7% White/non-Hispanic 31.4% Black/non-Hispanic 29.4% Asian/Pacific Isl. 6.8% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.5% 2.) What has the trend been for the last 5 years? See above. The trend from SY1993-1994 to SY2002-2002 is upward: 1993-1994 33.2% 1999-2000 38.9% 2000-2001 39.3% 3.) What are the statistics for the following areas: a. Chicago and Cook County, Illinois Total -- not reported Hispanic 34.9% White/non-Hispanic 9.6% Black/non-Hispanic 52.4% Asian/Pacific Isl. 3.3% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.2% b. Austin TX and county Total -- 46.4% Hispanic 47.8% White/non-Hispanic 33.7% Black/non-Hispanic 15.7% Asian/Pacific Isl. 2.5% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.3% c. Nashville and Davidson County, TN Meals data not reported by Tennessee (see note below). Tennessee 2000-2001 Enrollment http://www.k-12.state.tn.us/asr0001/table8.pdf Davidson County 78,869 State enrollment 984,015 Davidson County as percentage of state enrollment: 12.48 Student enrollment by Race/Ethnicity 1999 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/2001326r.pdf Hispanic 13,298 White/non-Hispanic 665,191 Black/non-Hispanic 222,860 Asian/Pacific Isl. 10,135 Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 1,388 Tennessee Enrollment Total 912,872 Federal Food Funds Received through state 2000-2001 http://www.k-12.state.tn.us/asr0001/table14.pdf Davidson County $12,054,807 State total $143,620,630 Dept. of Agriculture expenditures FY 2000 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/digest2001/tables/dt373.asp Tennessee (in thousands of dollars) total FY1999 187,436 total FY2000 197,077 Milk 26 Lunch 109,507 Breakfast 30,179 Google searches led to the Tennessee state Department of Education Web site: http://www.state.tn.us/education/ Census2000 available at: http://www.census.gov Davidson County QuickFacts http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/47/47037.html Persons below poverty, percent, 1999 13.0% This is up from the estimates of 1998: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/saipe/stcty/a98_47.htm All persons in poverty, Davidson County, 1998 11.9% Population, 2000 569,891 Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 6.6% Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 22.2% See the eligibility chart at: http://www.state.tn.us/education/nr020711c.htm State Announces Free and Reduced Meal Guidelines for 2002-03 School Year d. Cleveland Ohio and county Total -- 80.1% Hispanic 8.4% White/non-Hispanic 19.3% Black/non-Hispanic 71.3% Asian/Pacific Isl. 0.7% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.3% e. Atlanta GA and county Total -- 76.4% Hispanic 2.8% White/non-Hispanic 6.8% Black/non-Hispanic 89.5% Asian/Pacific Isl. 0.9% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.1% http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_1.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_2.asp Note: "These percentages should be interpreted with caution; five states (AZ, CT, IL, TN, and WA), DOD (overseas), DOD (domestic), Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Virgin Islands did not report free and reduced-price lunch eligibility and are not included in the national total. Also, states may not have reported students eligible for reduced-price meals, and a number of states reported participation instead of eligibility data which may not be strictly comparable. See Methodology section for further description. Percentages are based on those schools that reported." "The 100 largest districts, with 23 percent of the nation's public school students, serve 40 percent of the 18.5 million minority public school students. In the 100 largest school districts, 68 percent of students are minority students compared to 40 percent of students nationally (table C). In fact, one-third (33) of the 96 districts where minority membership was available have over 75 percent minority students. Eight of the 10 largest school districts have over 75 percent minority student membership (table 8)." hlabadie-ga |
rated this answer:![]() This was very helpful. I may refine my questions and post them later. |
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Re: Level of poverty in public schools
From: ericynot-ga on 12 Dec 2002 10:49 PST |
Your question is interesting, but problematic. This is going to be a tough question to answer satisfactorily (menaing that it may not get an answer). One problem is that the City of Chicago School District did not report FARM statistics for 1999 - 2000. Another difficulty will be getting any meaningful data on a county-wide basis because of the number of school districts involved in many counties. Researchers are understandaly loathe to spend hours looking for and compiling information when, in the end, they will not be able to post a suitable answer. May I suggest that you break your question into smaller pieces and perhaps consider pricing it with the understanding that this is probably not a trivial research effort. |
Re: Level of poverty in public schools
From: hlabadie-ga on 13 Dec 2002 09:27 PST |
As the data are incomplete, I am posting this as a comment, but if you think that it is adequate I will make it an answer. The US Department of Education maintains a Web site for the National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov/ Unfortunately, several states, among them Tennessee, do not report the numbers for eligible students, and there are lacunae in the data. Here is what I have found. 1.) What is the average FARM for K-4, 5-8 and 9-12 schools in the United States? 1993-1994 seems to be the only year for which breakdowns are available. The same table appears from 1996 onward. http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/digest2001/tables/dt375.asp Table 375.Public school students receiving federally funded free or reduced price lunches, by selected school characteristics: School year 1993-94 ________________________________________________________________________ |Percent of students participating in program School |____________________________________________ characteristics | Total |Elementary|Secondary |Combined\1\ ___________________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ___________________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ Total .............|33.2 (0.5)|38.8 (0.7)|22.0 (0.4)|39.1 (1.7) |__________|__________|__________|___________ Community type | | | | Central city ............|44.9 (1.0)|52.1 (1.3)|28.9 (0.9)|52.2 (3.0) Urban fringe/large town .|23.5 (0.9)|28.3 (1.4)|14.6 (0.6)|23.9 (3.8) Rural/small town ........|32.2 (0.6)|36.3 (0.8)|23.0 (0.4)|39.9 (1.9) | | | | School size (students) | | | | Less than 150 ...........|38.6 (1.3)|38.4 (1.9)|35.8 (1.5)|50.2 (2.4) 150-299 .................|38.1 (0.9)|39.5 (1.2)|28.4 (1.1)|51.8 (4.9) 300-499 .................|37.0 (0.9)|38.8 (1.0)|26.2 (1.1)|37.3 (2.6) 500-749 .................|33.5 (0.9)|36.0 (1.0)|22.3 (0.7)|34.7 (2.2) 750 or more .............|29.7 (0.9)|42.5 (1.8)|20.6 (0.5)|34.3 (3.2) | | | | Minority students | | | | Less than 5% ............|22.0 (0.5)|24.4 (0.7)|17.0 (0.6)|28.6 (1.6) 5 to 19% ................|18.9 (0.5)|22.2 (0.8)|11.7 (0.4)|30.6 (2.3) 20 to 49% ...............|32.0 (0.7)|38.1 (1.0)|20.1 (0.4)|38.6 (5.0) 50% or more .............|57.3 (1.1)|65.5 (1.2)|38.9 (1.0)|60.6 (3.2) ___________________________|__________|__________|__________|___________ NOTE: Combined schools include schools beginning with grade 6 or below and ending with grade 9 or above. Standard errors appear in parentheses. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Schools and Staffing Survey, 1993-94." (This table was prepared June 1998.) FY 1998, SY 1999-2000 Percentage of all students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (of schools reporting): 38.9% (87.1% of schools did report) FY 1999, SY 2000-2001 Percentage of all students eligible for free or reduced price lunches (of schools reporting): 39.3% (86.1% of schools did report) http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/discussion.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/100_largest/discussion.asp#tableC National Center for Education Statistics 100 Largest School Districts http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_1.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_2.asp Schools having membership: 15,465 Students eligible for free or reduced price lunches: 53.4% (90.1% of schools reporting) Percentage of students by race/ethnicity: Hispanic 31.7% White/non-Hispanic 31.4% Black/non-Hispanic 29.4% Asian/Pacific Isl. 6.8% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.5% 2.) What has the trend been for the last 5 years? See above. The trend from SY1993-1994 to SY2002-2002 is upward: 1993-1994 33.2% 1999-2000 38.9% 2000-2001 39.3% 3.) What are the statistics for the following areas: a. Chicago and Cook County, Illinois Total -- not reported Hispanic 34.9% White/non-Hispanic 9.6% Black/non-Hispanic 52.4% Asian/Pacific Isl. 3.3% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.2% b. Austin TX and county Total -- 46.4% Hispanic 47.8% White/non-Hispanic 33.7% Black/non-Hispanic 15.7% Asian/Pacific Isl. 2.5% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.3% c. Nashville and Davidson County, TN Meals data not reported by Tennessee (see note below). Tennessee 2000-2001 Enrollment http://www.k-12.state.tn.us/asr0001/table8.pdf Davidson County 78,869 State enrollment 984,015 Davidson County as percentage of state enrollment: 12.48 Student enrollment by Race/Ethnicity 1999 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2001/2001326r.pdf Hispanic 13,298 White/non-Hispanic 665,191 Black/non-Hispanic 222,860 Asian/Pacific Isl. 10,135 Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 1,388 Tennessee Enrollment Total 912,872 Federal Food Funds Received through state 2000-2001 http://www.k-12.state.tn.us/asr0001/table14.pdf Davidson County $12,054,807 State total $143,620,630 Dept. of Agriculture expenditures FY 2000 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/digest2001/tables/dt373.asp Tennessee (in thousands of dollars) total FY1999 187,436 total FY2000 197,077 Milk 26 Lunch 109,507 Breakfast 30,179 Google searches led to the Tennessee state Department of Education Web site: http://www.state.tn.us/education/ Census2000 available at: http://www.census.gov Davidson County QuickFacts http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/47/47037.html Persons below poverty, percent, 1999 13.0% This is up from the estimates of 1998: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/saipe/stcty/a98_47.htm All persons in poverty, Davidson County, 1998 11.9% Population, 2000 569,891 Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 6.6% Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 22.2% See the eligibility chart at: http://www.state.tn.us/education/nr020711c.htm State Announces Free and Reduced Meal Guidelines for 2002-03 School Year d. Cleveland Ohio and county Total -- 80.1% Hispanic 8.4% White/non-Hispanic 19.3% Black/non-Hispanic 71.3% Asian/Pacific Isl. 0.7% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.3% e. Atlanta GA and county Total -- 76.4% Hispanic 2.8% White/non-Hispanic 6.8% Black/non-Hispanic 89.5% Asian/Pacific Isl. 0.9% Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat. 0.1% http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_1.asp http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/100_largest/table_09_2.asp Note: "These percentages should be interpreted with caution; five states (AZ, CT, IL, TN, and WA), DOD (overseas), DOD (domestic), Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the Virgin Islands did not report free and reduced-price lunch eligibility and are not included in the national total. Also, states may not have reported students eligible for reduced-price meals, and a number of states reported participation instead of eligibility data which may not be strictly comparable. See Methodology section for further description. Percentages are based on those schools that reported." "The 100 largest districts, with 23 percent of the nation's public school students, serve 40 percent of the 18.5 million minority public school students. In the 100 largest school districts, 68 percent of students are minority students compared to 40 percent of students nationally (table C). In fact, one-third (33) of the 96 districts where minority membership was available have over 75 percent minority students. Eight of the 10 largest school districts have over 75 percent minority student membership (table 8)." hlabadie-ga |
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