I need Web-OpenLDAP forms (written in Perl or PHP) that will do the
o Check if userID and another attribute (roomNumber) are both correct
in two ou of an LDAP server (say, ou=mail and ou=People). If yes,
proceed. If not, reload the form.
o Proceed: display all user info on a new page (including this
attribute). Three links: Apply for Activation, Change Password, Change
User ID.
o Result page shows all user attributes (including accountStatus).
From this page, the user can click on Apply for Activation (if
accountStatus is disabled) or to Apply for Password Change Form.
o Apply For Activation form lists users' info and has a Print button
(the rest is done manually using paperwork).
o Password Change works the same as Apply for Activation form.
o Apply for UserID Change form: a separate form; the user inputs a new
UID he wants to get and the rest of data remains the same. A check is
done on ou=mail to check if such user ID already exists; if not, the
info is written (with accountStatus=disabled) to ou=mail. If the
desired UID already exists, the user is prompted to enter a new UID
'cause the one he tried is already taken. After successful change, a
page with full user info is output to a new Web page with a print
Relevant info:
o OpenLDAP, Perl, PHP are all versions shipped with Red Hat 8.0
o Double-byte is used for some fields so care needs to be taken that
double-byte characters can be displayed in HTML and saved to LDAP
properly and especially that Web pages do now show double-byte escape
characters (<? and such).
Double-byte characters can be obtained by copy-and-paste from any
double-byte site such as Google's Traditional Chinese (Big5)
interface, etc.)
o LDAP: dc=company,dc=com, two ou=mail, ou=people, relevant
attributes: uid, roomNumber, userPassword, mail
Please use dc=company,dc=com in your code. |