Hello Trublu,
Yefim Shubentsov is the spiritual healer youre referring to and you
may contact Yefim to make an appointment by calling his office at
(617) 232-3930. I called the number to verify it, and it is correct.
Yefim Shubentsov is a simple Russian Immigrant. He's not a guru or a
Doctor, but thousands of people swear this man is a miracle worker.
From alcoholism to cigarettes, this healer claims to have a 98%
success rate treating addictions. (..) Yefim insists that one 3 hour
session in his Brookline, Massachusetts classroom will cure anyone of
what ails them: Overeating, smoking, phobias, even chronic pain.
Additional information that may interest you:
Why is all of Hollywood flocking to Yefim Shubentsov, a
self-proclaimed healer, to rid them of their bad habits? by Amy
You can buy the audiotapes of Cure Your Cravings by Yefim Shubentsov
and Barbara Gordon here:
Amazon carried the book Cure Your Cravings
Price: $11.16
Search Criteria:
spiritual healer Yefim
Yefim Shubentsov
I hope you find this helpful.
Best Regards,
Bobbie7-ga |