Hello, I have a licensed product and full source code. The thankyou
page ( needed to work withClickBank )says:- Currently all the
thankyou pages are named "thankyou.html" to make it easy for you to
work with them. However, I highly recommend you rename each thankyou
page to something else before placing on your website. If you do not
rename the thankyou.html page, anyone who enters the thankyou.html
page can download your product without paying.
I do understand the wisdom of this but I need a step-by-step, how to
Thanks R P. |
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Dec 2002 05:46 PST
Would a script of some type that will dynamically create a thankyou
page or a script that would protect your thankyou page suffice?
Request for Question Clarification by
14 Dec 2002 19:24 PST
Hello king67-ga,
As a seasoned Web Programmer, I believe I have the solution to your
problem. However, I need to know what kind of resources you have at
your disposal. Specifically :
1. Do you have scripting capability on your Web pages? I.e. do your
pages use Perl, ASP, ColdFusion, PHP or JSP etc?
2. If yes, are you familiar with the concept of session variables? Are
you willing to learn this, or do you have as a resource a Web
programmer who can implement a page using session variables?
Do let me know and we'll be on the way to a solution! Thanks.
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 03:18 PST
Hello Kyrie26-ga, Question subject:- thankyou.html
The only scripting capability I am aware of is notepad, I have used
this with the product.
Session variables:- I haven't used this but if it will help I am
certainly willing to learn. As they say, "I need to know". Thanks
for the reply,Ron P.
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 03:40 PST
Hello,tar_heel_v-ga I have a script for a thankyou page. I don't
really need to protect the thankyou page as it has a download job to
do. Thanks for trying to help. Your efforts aren't wasted believe
me, as when you are looking for clues and answers this is a great
system. king67-ga
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 08:04 PST
Hello king67-ga
This researcher (me) is a bit slow of the block this morning. Need a
strong coffee :-)
I thought my interpretation of your original question was that you
wanted to protect your download page, as clickbank are highly
recommending (a crude way) of protecting this page (from bookmarking,
sharing etc).
I was expecting tar_heel_v-ga's suggestion of a script to protect it,
would be the solution, however I'm a bit disorientated now, as your
latest clarification mentions that you don't really need to protect
Sorry if this sounds like a silly clarification.
Kind regards
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 15:49 PST
Hi king67-ga,
I think I understand what you mean. You want to allow downloads on
that page, but only for the specific user and only for a certain
window of time. This can only be accomplished with a dynamically
created page, and you will need scripting capability for this. When we
say scripting, we usually mean server-side functionality that is
database-enabled. So, on the web host server, it could be a Perl
script, or PHP, and so on. Now the question is, what kind of scripting
language does your web hosting provider have?
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 17:54 PST
I think you misunderstood what I meant. By protect your thankyou
page, I meant a script that works in conjunction with the thankyou
page which would not allow anyone access to it other than those that
have paid for your product. Check with your host provider to see if
you can run PHP or CGI scripts, and I can provide a solution for your