Hello luvdusty-ga,
In the case of leaks coming through the ceiling, most sources
recommend making a hole in the ceiling as a temporary solution.
The hole lets the water drain out, preventing a build up of water
which could cause more serious damage, and could possibly cause the
ceiling to come down if enough water builds up. According to
Rentals.com (http://www.rentals.com/owner/content2/newsArticle/newsArticle_084.html),
A hole a quarter inch in diameter or so can become an easy place
for water to escape from the puddle above and can move major control
of a leak to "one collection location". If the ceiling were bulging
the lowest point of the bulge would be the place to punch the hole,
even if it weren't on center with the other leaks.
A bucket or some type of container should be placed under the hole to
collect the water.
Other references that I found that make the same recommendation are:
IB Roof Systems
Tribune India
If you have ceiling tiles, IB Roof Systems makes the following
Ceiling tiles should be removed. Ceiling tiles will just spread the
leak from one tile to the next. If they are already damaged they will
not get any better if left in place. By taking them out, the water
should drip more directly from the underside of the roof deck to the
floor where buckets and plastic have now been placed.
If the container gets rapidly filled, making it difficult to keep it
the water contained, Rentals.com provides a description of what they
describe as a A jury rigged solution to transport the water back
outside which requires a ladder, a garden hose, some duct tape and an
empty one-gallon plastic bottle.
I hope you have found this information helpful. Please request
clarification if you dont feel as though I have sufficiently answered
your question, or if you would like additional information.
Good Luck!
Google Search Terms:
repair roof leak temporary
home repair roof leak ceiling temporary
rain leak ceiling temporary
rain leak ceiling emergency repair
temporary roof repair rain leak
://www.google.com/search?q=temporary+roof+repair+rain+leak&btnG=Google+Search&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off |