Hi scriptor,
I was wondering if I could impose on you to ask you to look
at one of my questions? It's Ida Shibe, owner of the Philadelphi
Athletics(36-51). Would that be a possibility, when you have time? |
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 05:16 PST
Dear bluestreak,
I already started working on the question. However, the only result so
far is an obituary for T.S. Shibe in which his wife Ida is mentioned
as one of the persons who were present when he passed away. But I will
go on.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 06:39 PST
Thank you scriptor for responding so quickly. Keep me posted. I
checked the NY Times obit for her,her husband Thomas and the Sporting
News obit for her. No luck. I'm looking also. Does Philadelphia have
any special archives for meritious citizens, I wonder? bluestreak
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 09:26 PST
Dear bluestreak,
I appreciate your confidence in my abilities very much. However, I
think that I am not the right one to solve this problem. After -
unsuccessfully - searching through all genalogical sources available
to me, I came to the conclusion that this question needs careful
research in newspaper archives or the like. But I am, alas, thousands
of kilometers away from all those possible sources.
I am very sorry to dissapoint you. But I hope, one of my Fellow
Researchers will be able to find the information you desire so much.
Best regards and Merry Christmas,
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 10:16 PST
Dear scriptor,
I understand. Thank you so very much for trying. I so
appreciate anyone who's willing to give it their best shot for me. In
regards the future, is there any particular area where you feel
exceptionally strong? I have different kinds of questions that I
haven't posted yet. I still need so much help, it's not funny. Have I
put up anything that you might take a shot at? I'd be more than
grateful. bluestreak
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 11:29 PST
Dear bluestreak,
I feel honored by your request. I feel especially competent in history
in general, all questions related to Germany and German culture, the
arts, popular music, literature. But I do also answer other questions,
of course. To get an overview of my core competences, I recommend
having a look at my collected answers so far:
Best greetings,
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 16:47 PST
Thanks for sharing your areas of strength. It so happens that
I have a question that combines 2 of your areas. My question concerns,
"When was my favorite version of Beethoven's 9th Symphony recorded?"
It was conducted by Walter Goehr, an Englishman, who was born in
Berlin,Germany, and who moved to London in '33. The Orchestra was the
Radio Frankfurt Symphony. It has some comments which are instructive.
Goehr died Dec.4,1960 in Sheffield,England. This version is so
something else. It takes austere to a new level. In a good way. Could
you venture a shot? bluestreak
Request for Question Clarification by
15 Dec 2002 17:55 PST
Dear bluestreak,
I had already seen your original question about this recording date.
However, my research led nowhere, then and now. The best I found out
was what a commenter also gave you as information: Very probably, the
recording dates from late '56 or early '57. But this unverified
approximation is, of course, not an answer worth any money. I will
look for better sources tomorrow in the library, but I can,
unfortunately, not promise anything.
Best greetings,
Clarification of Question by
15 Dec 2002 18:19 PST
Thank you, scriptor. I'm aware how tough this question is. Frankly, I
don't really expect anyone to be able to find a recording date. I
have many questions in this category of difficulty. But researchers
have found about 5 others this hard. Which I was in awe over. Bear
in mind that I've been searching for these answers by myself for 2
yrs. before I realized that there were just too many, too hard for one
guy to address. So I thank you for your efforts, even if you don't
find it. bluestreak