A search for that exact phrase returns no results.
Rather, it seems to be a combination of two phrases,
used in different spiritual circles.
The phrase "In the love and light of the one" is
frequently used as an opening or closing remark
in 'channeling' circles, as is seen in the following:
A channeling by 'Mira', from the "Lifes Journey;
Beyond the Illusion" site:
"I leave you in the care of each other and in the
Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator.
I am Mira"
A channeling by 'Hilarion', from Lisa Holloway, on
"Know that the beings in spirit who work with you
in the love and light of the one infinite Creator
are one and the same as those who brought forth
the very teachings that you study in your many,
many variations of truth on this planet."
And, last, but definitely not least, a channeling
by Q'ou, through Carla, from L/L Research:
"We are those of the principle known as Quo.
Greetings in the love and in the light of the
one infinite Creator."
The last transcript, above, is from a large volume
of channeled material from L/L reseach, and was
transcribed on September 13, 1992. L/L research
also produced a series of 5 books called 'The Law
of One', first published in 1982. The same phrase
is used at the beginning of every channeling, by RA.
Thus, this is the earliest of all the sources for
that particular phrase.
The next part of the phrase is found online ONLY in
the mission statement of the Gesu Catholic Community:
"Gesu is a diverse Catholic community on a journey
of hope in the company of Jesus. As Eucharistic
people we are nourished by the Sacraments and the
word of God. Called to build God's kingdom of
justice and peace we strive to reach out to all
people. We share our time, talent, and resources
for the good of each other for the greater glory
of God who is with us always and in all ways."
Searches done, via Google:
"In the love and light of the one who is with
us always and in ALL ways"
"En el amor y luz del que esta con nosotros
siempre y en todo lugar"
"En el amor y luz de que esta con nosotros
siempre y en todo lugar"
"In the love and light of the one"
"En el amor y luz de que"
"En el amor y luz de que esta"
"who is with us always and in ALL ways"
"que esta con nosotros siempre y en todo lugar"
"esta con nosotros siempre y en todo lugar"
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog with
the researcher through the "Request for Clarification" process.
sublime1-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
15 Dec 2002 13:09 PST
Well, I'm glad you phrased that as "my opinion",
since I don't presume to be qualified to know
the full intent of any other being, channeled
or incarnate.
I would take it to mean that "the one" is the
one infinite spirit from whom all things derive
their being, and that this spirit is, in its
essence, love and light, and is omnipresent and
omniscient, meaning present in all moments and
places throughout time and space, and aware of
all that is occurring, has occurred, or will
Therefore, one who greets you in the love and the
light of this one is stating that they come in
service to this one, and to you, for the purpose
of increasing your awareness of the one, and your
ability to commune with that essence within you.
Or so I would prefer to believe...