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Basic guidelines in "on the job" counseling by a non-counseling professional (i
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships Asked by: annie63-ga List Price: $20.00 |
15 Dec 2002 08:21 PST
Expires: 14 Jan 2003 08:21 PST Question ID: 124932 |
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Re: Basic guidelines in "on the job" counseling by a non-counseling professional (i
Answered By: bobbie7-ga on 15 Dec 2002 11:07 PST |
Hello Annie, I've organized a digest of links to information and articles related to what is addressed in your question. The National Employment Counseling Competencies defines Counseling Skills as follows: “The ability to establish a trusting, open and useful relationship with each counselee, accurately interpreting feelings as well as verbal and nonverbal expressions, and conveying to the customer this understanding and whatever pertinent information and assistance is needed. Knowledge and awareness of career development theory and the ability to support the customer through transitions and facilitate decision-making and goal setting. The ability to recognize the need to refer the customer to appropriate resources to remove barriers to employment. The ability to conduct effective intake to insure that the applicant is suitable and able to benefit in the agency's programs.” http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/6491/comp.html Effective Counselors: - Have good will (are optimistic and hopeful) - Are able to be fully present for another - Equalize the counseling relationship - Have a sense of vulnerability - Have self-respect - Are willing to model appropriate thoughts, feelings and behaviors - Turn mistakes into learning experiences - Have a sense of humor - Are empathetic and compassionate - Demonstrate patience - Are non-judgmental - Are active listeners - Care about the clients' well being http://www.newdirectionscounseling.com/info/defcoun.html Basic Counseling Ethics http://www.scs.unt.edu/classes/RHAB/quinn/3050/ETHICS.doc A Leader's Basic Counseling Skills: http://www.rareinformation.com/counsel5.htm A short excerpt from the above article: “Listening and Watching - During a counseling session, the counselor should concentrate on what their employee says and does. They can then be sure that the employee accepts what is said and fully understands what the counselor is trying to communicate. The counselor needs to be an active listener and be aware of non-verbal signals such as, eye contact, posture, head nodding, and facial expressions in addition to their verbal behavior. This is all part of the total message the person is sending. It is important to note the differences between what the person is saying and what they are doing.” Basic Steps to Problem Solving http://www.rareinformation.com/proble.htm Basic Approaches to Counseling http://www.wholeperson-counseling.org/ndoc/approach.html I selected the following questions and answers from the (Army) Counseling Study Guide which will help you understand the basic concepts of counseling. “What are the requirements of successful counseling? Establish communications. Get the person to feel at ease. Listen to the problem. Don't put the person down by showing him his problem is common. Develop confidence between the counselee and yourself. What is the definition of counseling? A process of listening, communicating advice, instruction, or judgment with the intent of influencing a person's attitude or behavior. How many human needs are there? Four (Physical, Social, Security and Higher (Religious)) What are the two categories of counseling? Event-oriented counseling Performance / Professional growth counseling What is the best way to open a counseling session? Clearly state the purpose of the session What are the four qualities of an effective counselor? Respect for subordinates Self-awareness and Cultural awareness Empathy Credibility Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three leader counseling skills? Active Listening, Responding, and Questioning What is the objective of counseling? For one person to help another What are the five steps to problem solving? Recognize and define the problem. Gather facts and make assumptions. Develop possible solutions. Analyze and compare the possible solutions. Select the best solution. What is communications? Communications is the flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. Faulty communications causes most problems. True or false? True To insure that they understand the message sent to them, the receiver should send what back to the transmitter? Feedback In communications, your exchange of information has three important parts. What are they? Message, content and context What are the five steps in preparing to counsel? Advance notification. Selection of a site. Schedule of an appropriate time. General outline. Create a desired atmosphere. Is performance counseling limited to bad performance? No. Counseling may also be for good performance” Source: Army Counseling Study Guide http://www.armystudyguide.com/counseling/studyguide.htm How to Counsel http://www.armystudyguide.com/counseling/how_to/index.html#2 Leader Counseling Skills http://www.counseling.army.mil/appendix.htm#LEADER%20COUNSELING%20SKILLS Job Counseling in Hard Times http://www.awss.com/jc_51.htm Sample Civil Service Test Questions from the State of Louisiana taken by state employees for promotion and supervision. http://www.dscs.state.la.us/Examining/SampleQuestions/samplequestions.htm Professional Supervisor Test -- promotional exam for State employees; These are only sample questions. They will not actually appear on the test, but will give you an idea of what the real test questions will be like. http://www.dscs.state.la.us/Examining/SampleQuestions/profsupervisor.htm Promotion Test Battery Guide for Supervisors and Specialists and for Mid-Level and High-Level Managers and Administrators Source: The New York State Department of Civil Service http://www.cs.state.ny.us/announ/mainpages/Prom%20Test%20Bat%20Guide/promtestbatguidesection1.htm Additional information that may interest you: An essay on the Differences between Counseling and Psychotherapy http://antiessays.bigwonk.com/show.php?cat=psychology&eid=1171 Civil Service Exam and Test Information http://www.pse-net.com/library.htm Search Criteria: basic principles of counseling counseling on the job basic approaches to counseling basic principles of on the job counseling basic on-the-job counseling "How to counsel" on the job I hope you find this helpful. Best Regards, Bobbie7-ga |
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Re: Basic guidelines in "on the job" counseling by a non-counseling professional (i
From: neilzero-ga on 15 Dec 2002 21:07 PST |
I thought some of the terms such as good will were vauge, however I agree with optimistic, hopeful, self respect, sense of humor, patient, and active listener. Clearly a good councelor appears non theatening to the client at least until, the client has reveiled as fully as possible their own understanding of the problems. At some point the councelor needs to start being helpful, friendly, couteous, kind, obedient to the needs of the coucelors employer, cheerful, thrifty and brave. While some may disagree, I think the councellor needs to be completely truthful, and needs to keep track, and later clarify any half truths, false inferences and little white lies which may have occurred early in the interview process which may have been uttered by either the cliant or the councellor, and that includes mumbles, grunts, yes, no, and other short cuts which need to be qualifed to be completely truthful. Neil |
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