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Q: Famous rivalries ( Answered 3 out of 5 stars,   6 Comments )
Subject: Famous rivalries
Category: Relationships and Society > Relationships
Asked by: apteryx-ga
List Price: $4.80
Posted: 15 Dec 2002 12:46 PST
Expires: 14 Jan 2003 12:46 PST
Question ID: 125015
Linked by reciprocal animosity? joined in public memory precisely
because they hated each other?  Forever remembered as rivals?  I want
a pair of names that serve as a highly recognizable example of two well-known
individuals whose public battles or mutual hatred has ironically
linked their names permanently, just as if they were a famous couple.
I would prefer that they not be a clear instance of good and bad
(Holmes and Moriarty) or of feuding families (Hatfields & McCoys).  I
don't want people who overcame the family feuds (Romeo & Juliet) or
whose personal disaffection, though well known, is really dwarfed by
the achievements for which they are famous otherwise (Bette Davis &
Joan Crawford).  I want two names so paired by their rivalry that when
one is mentioned, the other springs to mind--precisely because they
were each other's favorite targets or bete noirs.  They should be
recognizable to a reasonably well-educated American and not be known
only with in an obscure field of special interest (such as sports)
that is not necessarily familiar to the literate public.  This is for
an example in an article, and I need it today, Sunday.  Thank you.
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
Answered By: jackburton-ga on 15 Dec 2002 13:59 PST
Rated:3 out of 5 stars
hi apteryx,
I think the following names meet your criteria:
"Tupac Shakur" & "Notorious B.I.G" (real name 'Christpher Wallace')
I hope this helps!

Request for Answer Clarification by apteryx-ga on 15 Dec 2002 14:30 PST
Not at all, I'm afraid.  I'm addressing an audience who may not have
heard of either one of them.  If I put all of sports into the category
of "obscure field of special interest," a couple of young rock
musicians are not going to have wider recognition for my purposes.  I
need a pair like "Gladstone & Disraeli" or "De Havilland and Fontaine"
- only more familiar and prominent in the contemporary American
landscape so their use as an illustration gets the point across
immediately.  I want the example to support the point, no explanation
needed, and not the other way around.  Sorry, jackburton, but we can't
close this question yet.

Clarification of Answer by jackburton-ga on 15 Dec 2002 16:55 PST
Here are some more suggestions:
Sharon & Arafat
Kennedy & Krustchev
Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr 
Leon Trotsky & Joseph Stalin
Mohammed Ali & Joe Frazier
James Bond (007) & Blofelt 
Itchy & Scratchy !!  
(........couldnt resist it ! )
I hope one of the above is suitable for you.

Clarification of Answer by jackburton-ga on 16 Dec 2002 10:43 PST
A few more names later came to mind (though perhaps too late for
Rommel & Montgomery
Wellington and Napoleon (Waterloo and all that). 
- There is the phrase that goes ' he met his Waterloo!'
Sorry we couldn't match Disraeli & Gladstone, but thanks for the
challenge!  Best of luck, and merry xmas!
apteryx-ga rated this answer:3 out of 5 stars
All right, I'll settle for that.  I don't think any of those is better
than Disraeli & Gladstone, but I'm out of time.  Thank you for your
speedy reply.

Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: secret901-ga on 15 Dec 2002 15:22 PST
Not real individuals, but...
Tom & Jerry :-)
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: bethc-ga on 15 Dec 2002 15:22 PST
Mozart & Salieri is the one that comes immediately to mind.
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: gomichan-ga on 15 Dec 2002 16:25 PST
Montagnier vs Gallo [AIDS research]
Gates vs Ellison vs McNeally [Microsoft vs. Oracle vs. Sun]
New York vs Boston [although New York might not consider Boston a rival]
Newton vs Leibniz [math and sciences]
Tesla vs Edison [electricity...DC vs AC]
Scott vs Amundsen [first to get to the South Pole]
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: bobthedispatcher-ga on 15 Dec 2002 17:24 PST
George Bush & Saddam Hussein ???
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: apteryx-ga on 15 Dec 2002 22:24 PST
Thanks, all.  Of these suggestions, Ali & Frazier probably come the
closest for my purposes.  Salieri is known mostly for his rivalry with
Mozart, but Mozart's fame is established quite independently of any
association with Salieri, so it's not two-way.  Bush &
Saddam--bobthedispatcher, do you truly see them as moral equals
forever paired, never one without the other?  Gornichan, did all your
guys really hate each other??  This was not about competitors, as I
hoped my question clearly explained.  It was about the irony of being
joined in people's minds by the very fact that they couldn't stand
each other--the last thing they'd want is to be viewed by history as a
matched pair!  You know, like Lillian Hellman and Louella Parsons. 
And like *lots* of sitcom characters (but I wasn't interested in
those).  I went with Disraeli and Gladstone for my article, but I am
disappointed that other good examples didn't turn up.  Still, I thank
you all for your efforts.
Subject: Re: Famous rivalries
From: laserjock-ga on 01 Mar 2003 20:11 PST
How about the storied "Battle of the Sexes" tennis duo:

Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs?

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