Write a java graphical user interface program that will determine and
display when an employee of a company gets a rise, how much he gets,
and how often he gets a rise. The two facts that will determine if a
user gets a rise and how much are:
1. How long he or she has been with the company
2. How old he or she is.
The rise will be calculated based on users annual salary (gross).
If the user is more than one year with the company and is under 20
years old, he gets a 5 % rise and 3 % every two years there after.
If the user is more than one year with the company and is under 30
years old, he gets a 7 % rise and 4 % every two years there after.
If the user is more than one year with the company and is under 40
years old, he gets a 9 % rise and 5 % every two years there after.
If the user is more than one year with the company and is under 50
years old, he gets a 11 % rise and 6 % every two years there after.
If the user is more than one year with the company and is under 65
years old, he gets a 13 % rise and 7 % every two years there after.
User must retire at age 65 years. |
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Dec 2002 05:13 PST
Hi there math01. You've posted an interesting question! But I feel
that to answer it well will require more time and effort than the
average amount of time and effort associated with the price you've
suggested. Java GUI programming takes more time than basic console
programming, and I imagine that many researchers would feel that the
price does not match the task.
Should you decide to raise your price, you might also post a
clarification here, so that the system will notify me to take another
look at your question. You may also choose to wait, in the hope that
another researcher may choose to answer your question.
You might find this link to pricing guidelines helpful:
Clarification of Question by
16 Dec 2002 09:04 PST
I will add another $5.00 and hope you call solve the problem.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Dec 2002 09:06 PST
Hi math01-ga,
A question like this requires a considerate amount of work and you may
have a difficult time finding a researcher to answer this...personally
I would not answer this question unless it was priced at $35 or
Clarification of Question by
16 Dec 2002 09:49 PST
Hi answerguru-ga,
I will add another $10.00 making the total $20.00 for this question.
This will also be my last offer.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Dec 2002 10:36 PST
Hi there math01. If you wish to change the question price, you can see
an excellent Google Answers guide, created by researcher skermit-ga,
And specifically, these two screens:
Clarification of Question by
16 Dec 2002 12:15 PST
Hi Seizer-ga,
Sorry but that is all I have.
Hello there math01.
I've completed your code, and it seems to perform the task well. There
are two files:
Simply compile them both, and run the GUI class. A window should pop
up, and you will then be able to perform these calculations. You must
supply FOUR things to the program:
* The salary the user started on.
* The user's age
* The year they started
* The current year
With that information, the program will calculate what their current
salary is.
I added a File menu so you can exit the program easily.
I hope this helps! Thanks for an interesting question.
--seizer-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 01:44 PST
Hi seizer-ga,
Tried running program but keep getting the error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchmethod Error: Main
Can you please advise.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Dec 2002 03:01 PST
Hi there math01. This error is probably because you're running the
Calc class. You need to run the GUI class. If you're at the command
line, type these two commands:
1) javac *.java
2) java GUI
This should run the program correctly. Also, make sure you haven't
altered any of the source code, and have downloaded it correctly. To
do this, click your right mouse button on each of the links, and
choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link Target As".
Hope this helps,
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 04:06 PST
Still can not get the program to run. When I type in the salary, the
start year, the current year, and age, nothing happens. Can I send you
an attachment so you can see what I am talking about? Let me know how
I can send it to you.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Dec 2002 04:13 PST
Hello there math01
I'm sorry that you seem to be having a problem. Firstly, could you
take a look at this screenshot:
Please tell me if anything appears differently when you run the
Secondly, could you tell me which version of Java you're using?
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 04:23 PST
Will check on that maybe I am doing someting wrong. However, what I am
also seeing is that when the user reaches 65, he gets the same salary
as when he started with the company and does not specify he goes into
retirement with his current salary.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Dec 2002 04:35 PST
I'd be happy to change the retired option. I'm a little unclear on
what you would like the salary output to be, if the user is over 65?
Should I make it 0, to indicate that the user is no longer getting
paid a salary, because they have retired?
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 05:10 PST
User should retire with 50 percent (%) less of current salary.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Dec 2002 05:23 PST
The change has been made. You must re-download Calc.java (GUI.java
remains unchanged).
A retired user's salary is now 50% of what they would be earning if
they were still working at the company.
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 05:51 PST
Downloaded Calc.java; ran the program and still get the salary at age
65 to be the starting salary.
Clarification of Answer by
17 Dec 2002 06:10 PST
Hello there.
It sounds like you haven't yet recompiled the new code. You'll need to
recompile Calc.java, or else it will continue to use the old code.
My sample values:
Starting salary: 10000
Current age: 65
Start year: 2000
Current year: 2002
Clicking "Calculate" then shows a current salary of 5650.
Hope this helps!
Request for Answer Clarification by
17 Dec 2002 23:51 PST
Hi seizer-ga,
Well done. Everything is running just fine. One thing I will like to
know though, how long will my questions and answers on my account be
available to me?
Clarification of Answer by
18 Dec 2002 03:25 PST
Superb! I'm glad to hear it's up and running.
Google Answers does not delete any questions. The earliest question,
question number 2, is still available in the database (yours is number
As to the Java files, they are located on my personal web server. I
have no plans to remove them at the moment, but they will not be there
indefinitely, so I would advise you to make a safe backup copy on your
own machine.
Request for Answer Clarification by
18 Dec 2002 04:00 PST
What do these operators mean in the program:
Clarification of Answer by
18 Dec 2002 04:19 PST
A statement such as x+=2 means x is now equal to x plus 2
A statement such as y++ means that y is now equal to y plus 1
A statemtnt such as x/=2 means that x is now equal to x divided by 2
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Dec 2002 02:12 PST
Hi seizer-ga,
I am posting another question concerning this program.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Dec 2002 03:17 PST
See my comments on that question.
Request for Answer Clarification by
20 Dec 2002 05:15 PST
Will be helpful if you can answer the question to get the concept. I
think I have an idea but not so sure. Just for reassurance.
Clarification of Answer by
20 Dec 2002 06:00 PST
Please see the other question.