I believe I have found your article.
I looked at the love.msn.com/personals page. The articles listed all
seem to come from match.com, so I think the source for your article
would have been match.com as well. (In a recent question, I learned
that Keen.com is the source for all of msn's horoscopes. It seems they
prefer to buy, rather then use, content. Which may explain the lack of
archives at msn.com. They might be renting content.) But I digress.
Match.com doesn't seem to have any way of searching their articles.
What I noticed was that any article you call up, the URL begins with
their domain and directory information, then s unique session ID, and
then a tag called "theme" which I have seen as 3, 5, and 7. The theme
remains the same throughout your session, unless you go look at a
different area of the site. The final "tag" is articleID= and a
number. (These articles are in the matchscene area.)
Through trial and error, I found that they have a wealth of articles.
(about 552 to be more precise.) Since none seemed to hit what I wanted
in a sitesearch at google, I brute-forced it and checked every article
in order.
I believe the relevant articles are:
#93 "When friends cross the line"
Susan Hayden, Match.com
"...words Im in love with you from a friend you really care about,
what do you say?..."
#336 "12 signs he wants to be more than friends"
Emily Livingston, Match.com
"...How can you tell if he wants to be more than friends?..."
#430 "How do we be friends after we've been more?"
Here's how to get them:
There is an area called "matchscene" Look for it and click on it. I
think you will see a box in the middle area of the page with some
highlites from it. I cannot be sure, as I can't convince it to log me
out and pretend I don't exist!
You'll be asked to sign-up when you click on it. It's free to join, so
go ahead and create a username and password.
I would advise to uncheck the two email subscription options, but it's
your call.
Once you've created your login, you'll probably have to click on
matchscene again. When you're in matchscene, there are links to a few
articles. Click on one of them.
Now, in your address bar, you'll see what looks like:
Click once in the address bar. Now the whole address will be highlited
in blue and ready for you to type a new address. Press your right
arrow key once, to place the cursor at the end of the address. Press
backspace 1, 2, or 3 times as needed to erase only the article number.
Type in the number of the article you wish to read (probably number
93) after the equals sign, so that your address abr ends in
"ArticleID=93" and then press enter. The article should load.
I hope this is the information you were looking to find. If you are
satisfied with my answer, please rate it. If you would like more
information or this is not the answer you were looking for, then
please request a clarification prior to rating my answer.
-sparky4ca-ga |