Since this isn't the sort of question to which there is one (and only
one) correct answer, I'm going to toss several ideas in your
direction. If further assistance is needed, please request
clarification, and I'll gladly respond.
There is a song called "Henry the Great" on a Jackie Mittoo album
entitled "Keyboard King at Studio One."
The CD is available for purchase here for $13.99 plus shipping:
Ras International
"Henry the Great" is the first song on Mittoo's earlier album, "Macka
Fat," available here for $14.98 plus shipping (use the site search in
the upper right corner with the keywords "macka fat."
Aquarius Records
Here's a smooth, jazzy RealAudio clip of Jackie Mittoo performing
"Henry the Great":
I have found several books about the French King Henri IV, known as
"Henri le Grand" (which translates into English as "Henry the Great.")
Here are a few, from Alibris:
These are a bit pricey at $83.95 and $49.46 plus shipping, but
considering that they were published in 1812 and 1822, respectively,
they are a bargain. Both are described as being in good condition:
"Histoire Du Roi Henri Le Grand," by Harouin De Beaumont De Perefixe.
("History of King Henry the Great.")
Alibris: Histoire Du Roi Henri Le Grand
Alibris: Histoire Du Roi Henri Le Grand
Just in case you're curious about what France's Henry the Great looked
like, here's a painting:
Web Site of Maximilien Béthune
Now, here's my number one suggestion: for $20.96 you can purchase a
1934 book described as being in poor condition, but what a name!
"Quand Henri Le Grand Était Petit," which translates as "When Henry
the Great Was Little." I think this would be a fabulous oddity with
which to celebrate the birthday of a gifted child named Henry (does
your nephew speak French yet?)
Alibris: Quand Henri Le Grand Était Petit
The "Daily Express," a British tabloid, used the phrase "HENRY THE
GREAT" as a sports headline on Tuesday 02 April 2002, according to
this Web site:
4 the Game
Although I haven't been able to locate this back issue of the "Daily
Express," if this newspaper interests you, I'll gladly focus my search
and see what I can find.
This one isn't precisely a "Henry the Great," but I found it
interesting. I ran across this site rather by accident while searching
with the keyword "Henry." It might be a cute supplement to a gift.
This Internet service offers "Fun Mail for Kids" for $6.45 (includes
tax.) Here's an excerpt from the site:
"This year, make a special letter from, the highlight of your little
one's Birthday. Whether you're celebrating their 1st birthday or
15th, our birthday mail packet is guaranteed to make them happy. Each
letter is personalized mentioning friends and family, their hometown,
and any special accomplishments. They include stickers, arts and
crafts projects, and a special surprise for your loved one to
treasure. We have special letters for infants, older children,
sweethearts, spouses, senior citizens, and more."
Click "happy birthday henry" in the list on the left, then when the
birthday frame appears, click the clown's face for ordering
information. (Note that they point out that children under 5 should be
supervised by adults when opening the birthday surprise.)
Here is an offbeat idea that has an unusual "Henry the Great"
connection. I found this reference while looking for links related to
the French king:
"In 1553, when Henri IV - the future "Henry the Great" - was born
Jurançon wine became a part of French history: when the royal infant
was christened, his lips were rubbed with a clove of garlic and
moistened with a drop of Jurançon wine from which he derived a vigour
and an ardent spirit which were never to leave him. After many
centuries - including the many changes that have recently taken place
the outstanding quality of Jurançon wine has been recognised and has
regained its aristocratic seal of approval."
It occurs to me that a memorable and historically significant gift to
your own "Henry the Great" would be a bottle of Jurançon wine (to save
for the future, of course.) Twenty years from his first birthday,
young Henry will be of legal age to consume the wine, and (if the
bottle is properly stored) those two decades should make the wine
finer than ever!
Here you will find further information on French wines from the
Jurançon region:
Charles Neal Selections
My search strategy started with simple Web searches for the phrase
"henry the great" on the search engines,,, and and on the used book site; these
searches led me to more detailed searches for items related to the
Jackie Mittoo song and the French monarch, as mentioned above.
I hope some of these ideas will strike a spark from which a birthday
candle may be lit. ;-)
Best wishes (and a hearty Happy Birthday to young Henry!)
~Pinkfreud |