Hello Ej1216,
Well then, let me expand on my request for clarification and submit a
proper answer.
Starting with the URL
you can enter a search phrase such as "user group" in the search box
and get
which indicates the related categories
Computers > Organizations > User Groups
and then says
Searched within the category Google Directory for user group.
Results 1 - 10 of about 16,400. Search took 0.13 sec
[it is the line above where I referred to the 16000 hits in the
directory - all categories]
and each reference listed below includes a Category: line. For
example, the top three references are in categories
Computers > Software > Typesetting > TeX > User Groups
Computers > Companies > Product Support > Apple
Computers > Organizations > User Groups
This is the "simple answer". Your search phrase is used to give you
references that are categorized (by real people). That is perhaps the
best I can find to "make sense" of the hits of a google search.
The only disadvantage I see with this solution is that I do not see a
way to sort the references by category. Something like...
Computers > Companies > Product Support > Apple
(all references under this category)
Computers > Organizations > User Groups
(all references under this category)
Computers > Software > Typesetting > TeX > User Groups
(all references under this category)
and so on
It may be possible to get this alternative listing order using the
Application Programming Interfaces (API) that are provided by google.
It would require writing a program (or having someone do one for you).
You can get an overview of this method at
which has references to the code to download, how to register, limits
on searching (a thousand queries per day), and the kind of data you
can extract. The reference includes a description of the kinds of
queries you can perform and getting the "Google Directory" entry is
part of the data you can get back. With the program, you could pull
down a number of references, sort them by Google Directory entry and
then display the results as you wish.
--Maniac |