Hi dancr-ga,
The reason that you cannot search for the occurrance of the
image using it's URL, is that the image URL is part of the HTML code
of that page, and the search engines do not check the html source of a
page for the occurance of the search string.
However, Google does provide you with a way to search for all
images from a particular domain. To do this, you will have to follow
these steps :
- Goto Google's Advanced Search Page
( http://images.google.com/advanced_image_search)
- In the filetype field, specify the file type of the image (GIF
or JPG)
- In the domain field, specify the domain of the server on which
the image should be residing. For example, if I want to get all the
images residing on Google's servers, I specify google.com in this
field. You should specify the domain of your site.
- Leave the 'Find results' keyword fields blank for now. This
will retrieve all pages referring to any of the images on your
- Now start the search by clicking on the Google Search button.
The results page will show thumbnails of the pictures Google found.
Below the thumbnail, the address of the page which refers to it will
be given. If any external page links to images on your server, it will
show up on these results. You can click on the thumbnail to view the
Another feature, offered by both Google and Lycos with their image
searches, is the ability to search by the name of the image file. To
do this, just type the filename of the image(for eg. 'water.jpg') into
the text box provided and start the search. This will only be of help
if your image has a sufficiently unique name, otherwise you will be
flooded with thousands of results.
- Google Image Search (
://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q= )
- Lycos Multimedia Search ( http://multimedia.lycos.com/ )
You can find a list of the various image search engines on the web
here :
- TASI : A Review of Image Search Engines
( http://www.tasi.ac.uk/resources/searchengines.html )
Hope this helps.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
Theta-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
22 Dec 2002 09:49 PST
Hi dancr-ga,
The problem with trying to hunt down bandwidth thieves using a
search engine is that you are not going to get anywhere if their
webpage is not indexed by the search engine. This is what seems to be
happening here. Apparently, the page that contains the link to your
images has not been indexed by Google. So, it does not appear in your
results. You have the following options now :
- Search using some other engine, such as Lycos or AltaVista. You
can search on AltaVista( www.altavista.com ) for all pages linking to
an image on a particular server, by using the following search format
The success of this method, of course, depends on whether the
offending page has been indexed or not.
- Wait for a few weeks, and try your search on Google again, in the
hope that it may have indexed the offenders page by then.
- Check out the refferer URL in your web servers log.
- Talk to your ISP and find out if they have any detection software
installed on their servers. They may be able to help you fing the
The following articles also provide you with tips and techniques to
detect/prevent and deal with bandwidth theft :
- Bandwidth Stealing
by Richard Berends, Webmaster
( http://websiteawards.xe.net/articles/pvarticles/pvarticle39.htm
- Thwarting Image Theft: Fact or Fiction?
By Jeff Howden
( http://www.evolt.org/article/Thwarting_Image_Theft_Fact_or_Fiction/25/3094/)
- Gossamer Forum General Chit Chat Image Theft
( http://gossamer-threads.com/perl/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=207285;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=-1;guest=2515353&t=search_engine
The following articles provide various solutions you can try out to
prevent this bandwidth theft :
- Lucid Images Wildlife Photography - Image Protection
( http://wildlifephoto.net/articles/imageprotection.html )
Takes a pretty comprehensive look at all the options you have
for preventing image theft - commercial and free.
- How to Protect Your Images from Bandwidth Thieves
by Christopher Heng
( http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/protectimages.shtml )
A PHP script to prevent your images from being linked
directly from your site.
- Preventing Image Bandwidth Theft With .htaccess
by Christopher Heng
( http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/bandwidththeft.shtml )
A method for securing your images if you are using the Apache
Web server.
Also dancr-ga, tar_heel_v-ga will not be able to view your comments on
his offer for a PHP script, because you posted them as a clarification
to my answer. So, I have included a link to the relevant PHP script in
the articles given above.
Hope this helped.
If you need any clarifications, just ask!