Dear Kman -
If you have the swf movies, and want as little work as possible, then
the (maybe) best way is to create a separate swf-file and (with
rewind, play and forward controls) load each and every of your
swf-files into that movie.
I have written the code with Flash4 compliancy for the greatest
possible audience (98% of all web surfers have Flash 4 installed).
This you only have to do once:
Open flash.
Draw a little square, place it where you want your movie to load,
press F8 and make it into a movie clip. Name that movie clip
"placeholder" (also give it the "instance name" placeholder).
Create a new layer for scripting. In the first frame, paste this code:
// first we tell the control movie to load your
// movie into the placeholder we created
loadMovie ( "YourMovie.swf", "placeholder" );
// Here you can change f.i. do_play to false if you
// do not want your movie to start playing at once
do_play = true;
do_rewind = false;
do_forward = false;
// change the numbers if you want the rewinding
// to be faster (5 is faster than 4 ...)
rewind_step = 3;
forward_step = 2;
Make a new keypoint on frame 2, and paste this code into that frame:
// This is the code that tells YourMovie to go forward, backward
// stop or play regularily:
if (do_rewind)
pos = placeholder._currentframe;
pos -= rewind_step;
if (pos < 1) pos = 1;
placeholder.pos = pos;
tellTarget ("placeholder")
gotoAndStop (pos)
else if (do_forward)
len = placeholder._totalframes;
pos = placeholder._currentframe;
pos += forward_step;
if (pos > len) pos = len;
placeholder.pos = pos;
tellTarget ("placeholder")
gotoAndStop (pos)
else if (do_play)
tellTarget ("placeholder")
play ();
tellTarget ("placeholder")
stop ();
Then you need to make another keyframe at frame 3and paste in this
gotoAndPlay (_currentframe - 1);
This code merely instructs the controller movie to step back and
repeat the code at point 4 again.
Then you need 3 buttons: One for rewinding, one for play/stop and one
for forward:
6a) The rewind button needs this code:
on (press)
do_rewind = true;
on (release, releaseOutside)
do_rewind = false;
The play/stop button needs this code:
on (release)
do_play = !do_play;
The forward button needs this code:
on (press)
do_forward = true;
on (release, releaseOutside)
do_forward = false;
* * *
And that is all the scripting you need to control an imported movie. I
realize that this may be daunting if you have little experience with
ActionScripting. So I have zipped up all the files and placed them on
the net for you to look at (The one you want to look at is name
You can watch the result at
(You must of course disregard the ugly buttons and ugly design - you
propably are capable of making much better buttons than the ones I
have thrown together.)
Good luck! |