Hello nylon-ga,
As with most music hall songs, there are likely several variations on
"Joshua". The song may have started one way, and then in different
times and places, people may have changed a lyric or two, accidentally
or deliberately.
But here is a fairly authoritative text, from what I can tell. The
person who put this text on the Internet has also posted dozens of
other music hall choruses. Perhaps you can evaluate the accuracy of
this text for "Joshua" by seeing if he has done a good job with the
words of other songs you know well.
Joshua, Joshua,
Why don't you call and see Mama,
She'll be pleased to know
You are my best beau.
Joshua, Joshua,
Nicer than lemon squash you are.
Yes, by gosh you are,
"Music Hall Choruses: Jack's The Boy - Just Like The Ivy"
Steve's Web Site
"Music Hall Choruses"
Steve's Web Site
"Music Hall"
Steve's Web Site
The reference to "lemon squash" has remained in several people's
minds. Here are snippets from the song, in slight variations:
- "Sweeter than lemon squash you are"
"Birthday Greetings" (July 7, 2001) [under "Barrett"]
This Is Hull and East Yorkshire
- "Johsua, gosh you are / Sweeter than lemon squash you are"
"Lyrics to Joshua", by Cathryn Johns (2001-04-14)
Message in <alt.music.cliff-richard>
Google Groups
[Incidentally, a song called "Joshua" is indeed part of a "Vaudeville
Routine" on "The Young Ones" by Cliff Richard, so you might want to
check that out. A listing for "The Young Ones" is at:
"The Shadows Collectors Guide - British Album Releases - Part One
(1959 - 1990)"
Cliff Richard & the Shadows - Worldwide Discography
http://www.cliffandshads.co.uk/shuklp1.html .]
- "Joshua, Joshua nicer than lemon squash, you are"
"Sujet de la discussion : A mon tour ;-)", message by guillaume (2
april 2002)
Forum prénoms garçons
Notre familie
And then there's one person who says "orange squash":
- "Joshua, Joshua, Sweeter than orange squash you are"
"A Brief Affair", by Exintaris [near bottom of page]
Google cache of page from Jjaks.Net
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
I used the following search terms, individually or in combination, on
Google, Google Groups, and other search engines:
"josh you are"
"gosh you are"
"squash you are"
"lemon squash"
"cliff richard"
"the young ones" |