I'm not sure which version of Real Player you have
on your system, but even the newest version, the
RealOne Player, will require an automatic download
of additional files in order to play the content at
Amazon. This I know because I have the latest free
version of the basic RealPlayer, and it performed
an auto-download before playing the link.
A search for pnet.dll on Google, and on my machine,
came up empty, so:
* It's possible you misspelled it.
* It's possibly a file used by an earlier
version of RealPlayer.
The file you downloaded is named *****.exe.ram
and is the equivalent of a shortcut to the music
on the site. For this reason, RealOne Player
must briefly act as a server, to tell the site
which piece of music you are accessing. If you
have a firewall in place that is not informing
you of the attempt to serve the information, and
is simply blocking it, this may pose a problem
as well.
The following steps should resolve your problem:
1) Go to and download the latest free
version of the RealOne Player, at the bottom
right-hand side of this page:
2) Install the player and re-boot if instructed
to do so. When it is walking you through the
configuration process, try to make sure that it's
set up to work with all your browsers, and that
it's set to automatically download important
updates, under 'Tools --> Preferences -->
Automatic Services --> Auto Update.
3) Go back to and find your music.
When your browser offers you the option to 'play'
or 'download' the file you have selected, choose
'play'. This should work around the possibility
that your firewall may be objecting to the file
when you download and click on it (if you have
a firewall).
That should do it! If you need any further
assistance, let me know.
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog with
the researcher through the "Request for Clarification" process.
sublime1-ga |