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Cracked Windshield in VA / MD / DC?
Category: Sports and Recreation > Automotive Asked by: crackedwindshield-ga List Price: $10.00 |
05 May 2002 13:31 PDT
Expires: 12 May 2002 13:31 PDT Question ID: 13243 |
I'm wondering about the legal ramifications of a cracked windshield in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. I have heard that you can get a ticket for a cracked windshield in all three areas, but I can't find any documentation to confirm that. Maybe a defective equipment ticket? Also, I familiar with the vehicle inspection laws in Virginia and Maryland, but not DC? How often do non-commercial vehicles need to be inspected in DC? Will a cracked windshield pass inspection in DC? |
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Re: Cracked Windshield in VA / MD / DC?
Answered By: mit-ga on 05 May 2002 14:28 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi Crackedwindshield, It appears that you can be cited for a cracked windshield in these states. I doubt whether it can be the primary reason for stopping you (unless it's very obvious and plainly obstructing your view). ****Virginia**** According to the safety inspection guidelines of the Virginia State Police: In the Virginia Official Safety Inspection Manual, Section 19 VAC 30-70-210, page 210-2, paragraphs 7 and 8, states: Inspect for and reject if: 7. There is a pit, chip, or star crack larger than 1½ inches in diameter at any location in the windshield above the 3-inch line at the bottom. 8. At any location in the windshield above the 3-inch line at the bottom there is more than one crack from the same point if at least one of the cracks is more than 1½ inches in length. There is any crack that weakens the windshield so that one piece may be moved in relation to the other. (If there is more than one crack running from a star crack that extends above the 3-inch line, the windshield shall be rejected.) [ http://www.vsp.state.va.us/safety.htm#FAQ%20Safety ] ****Maryland**** I could not find anything specific on the Maryland Motor Vehicle or State Police site: [ http://www.mva.state.md.us/ ] [ http://www.inform.umd.edu/UMS+State/MD_Resources/MDSP/ ] I did find some information in the newsgroups that is relevant: [ http://groups.google.com/groups?q=Maryland+vehicle+inspection+windshield&hl=en&safe=off&selm=35bb64df.17883283%40news.erols.com&rnum=1 ] [ http://groups.google.com/groups?q=Maryland+vehicle+inspection+windshield&hl=en&safe=off&selm=3AE79950.439417AC%40home.com&rnum=7 ] Bottom line, it looks like Maryland has vehicle inspections and will fail you for cracks in your windshield if they obstruct your view. ****Washington, D.C.**** Washington D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles [ http://dmv.washingtondc.gov/main.shtm ] [ http://dmv.washingtondc.gov/serv/inspections.shtm ] D.C. vehicle requirements state that a vehicle must: - have a windshield providing an unobstructed field of vision; suggesting that a crack the obstructs the driver's field of vision will be considered a violation. [ http://dmv.washingtondc.gov/serv/dlicense/rd_vehicle.shtm ] Relevant newsgroup discussions: [ http://groups.google.com/groups?q=d.c.+crack+windshield&hl=en&safe=off&selm=01bc19da%24bddeee40%240100a8c0%40u19.os2bbs.com&rnum=1 ] Newsgroup searches: [ http://groups.google.com/groups?num=20&hl=en&safe=off&q=d.c.+crack+windshield ] [ http://groups.google.com/groups?num=20&hl=en&safe=off&q=maryland+crack+windshield ] [ http://groups.google.com/groups?num=20&hl=en&safe=off&q=virginia+vehicle+inspection+windshield ] good luck! mit | |
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rated this answer:![]() Question only answered partially, even after clarification. Still did not answer how often DC vehicles need to be inspected or specific violations for cracked windshields in areas listed. Telling me to call the DMV is not a helpful answer. |
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Re: Cracked Windshield in VA / MD / DC?
From: mit-ga on 06 May 2002 19:43 PDT |
Crackedwindshield, I was able to find a few items about windshield violations and fees, but I recommend that you call one of the DMVs or state police offices (see links in previous posting): This is a Fairfax, VA county fee schedule, but it should give you an idea of the range: [ http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/courts/gendist/paylist.htm ] Driver's view obstructed because of suspended objects or altered vehicles Statute: 46.2-1054 Fine: $30 Processing Fee: $42 Total: $72 Inadequate windshield wipers Statute: 46.2-1055 Fine: $30 Processing Fee: $42 Total: $72 Absence of required safety glass Statute: 46.2-1056 Fine: $30 Processing Fee: $42 Total: $72 Absence of windshield Statute: 46.2-1057 Fine: $30 Processing Fee: $42 Total: $72 I don't know why this listing has different fees, but again, you can probably use these as ballpark estimates (counties may have different "administration fees"): [ http://www.courts.state.va.us/ed/resources/dcman/appendxc.pdf ] Drivers view obstructed because of suspended objects or altered vehicles 46.2-1054 $58 Inadequate windshield wipers 46.2-1055 $58 Absence of required safety glass 46.2-1056 $58 Absence of windshield 46.2-1057 $58 According to Virgina Code of Law, 46.2, your registration could be suspended for a violation, but I'm guessing that if you were pulled over for some other violation, they might make a note of it and tell you to get it fixed. [ http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+46.2-1000 ] § 46.2-1000. Department to suspend registration of vehicles lacking certain equipment; officer to take possession of registration card, license plates and decals when observing defect in motor vehicle; when to be returned. The Department shall suspend the registration of any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer which the Department or the Department of State Police determines is not equipped with proper (i) brakes, (ii) lights, (iii) horn or warning device, (iv) turn signals, (v) safety glass when required by law, (vi) mirror, (vii) muffler, (viii) windshield wiper, (ix) steering gear adequate to ensure the safe movement of the vehicle as required by this title or when such vehicle is equipped with a smoke screen device or cutout or when such motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer is otherwise unsafe to be operated. Any law-enforcement officer shall, when he observes any defect in a motor vehicle as described above, take possession of the registration card, license plates, and decals of any such vehicle and retain the same in his possession for a period of fifteen days unless the owner of the vehicle corrects the defects or obtains a new safety inspection sticker from an authorized safety inspection station. When the defect or defects are corrected as indicated above the registration card, license plates, and decals shall be returned to the owner. (Code 1950, § 46-56; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-58; 1960, c. 119; 1964, c. 414; 1972, c. 609; 1989, c. 727.) Maryland: This person was pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt, so windshield obstruction may be in the same safety category: [ http://groups.google.com/groups?q=maryland+ticket+windshield+%24&hl=en&safe=off&selm=392DDD63.4A7F8F1E%40injersey.infi.net&rnum=8 ] mit |
Re: Cracked Windshield in VA / MD / DC?
From: mit-ga on 07 May 2002 17:43 PDT |
Following the link to the Washington D.C. Department of motor vehicles that I posted in the inital answer states: Pleasure vehicles, such as campers and RVs, must be inspected every two years [ http://dmv.washingtondc.gov/serv/inspections.shtm ] I can't help you if you don't help yourself! cheers! |
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