Dear hay1246-ga;
Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to answer your interesting
Keep in mind that the structures of languages are not always the same
in English as they are in other tongues. While your English-speaking
mind is wondering about what we can do, in Spanish you will actually
be inquiring about the bus and what the bus does.
Some better questions to try and translate might be something like
Does the bus travel from here to the bridge today?
Does the bus stop here and travel to the bridge today?
In many countries, your question will be perceived a literal so, for
example, if you ask Does the bus travel from here to the bridge?,
the driver might say Yes and never think twice about the fact that
it only travels from here to the bridge on the second Sunday of the
month. The key to successful translation is ask the question properly.
I tried this revised version of your question on the Google Translator
and, as translators go, it worked fine.
In Germany, I once pointed to a street in front of a gas station and
asked the attendant Does this road go to the city of
Very calmly he replied, No.
I was lost for half an hour before I figured out that the road lead
directly to the autobahn about two blocks from the station, which DID
go to Kaiserslautern. I asked, he answered and I got exactly what I
asked for.
I look forward to working with you again in the near future. Thank you
for using Google Answers.
Best regards;
Tutuzdad-ga |