Hi, rbnn!
It is always a pleasure to be able to help a fellow Google Answers
I am certain that the word you seek is 'trabecula'. This requires that
your first letter, an 'E', be changed to 'T', but I am nonetheless
confident that 'trabecula' is the correct answer.
Here are the definitions of 'trabecula' given by The American Heritage
Dictionary of the English Language:
"1. A small supporting beam or bar. 2a. Anatomy Any of the supporting
strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ and constituting
part of the framework of that organ. b. Any of the fine spicules
forming a network in cancellous bone."
Bartleby/American Heritage Dictionary
Other definitions of 'trabecula' may be found here:
Cancerweb/Online Medical Dictionary
Xrefer/Concise Medical Dictionary: Oxford University Press
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
My search strategy was simple: I have a head full of medical trivia,
and the word 'trabecula' occurred to me when I read the question. All
that remained was to find links defining the word, which I did with a
Google search:
Google Web Search: "trabecula"
I hope this will help you to complete your crossword puzzle. If, by
any chance, this is not the word you're looking for, please request
clarification, and I'll gladly resume the quest.
Best wishes for the holidays
Pinkfreud |