Hi mcgihhn3-ga,
Thanks for your interesting question...let's start by looking at
The IDEF1 Information Modeling Method
IDEF1 was designed as a method for both analyzing and communicating
the structure and semantics of information within a system for the
establishment of system requirements. IDEF1 is generally used to:
1. Identify what information is currently managed in a real-world
system. An IDEF1 model of an information system includes not only the
automated system components, but also non-automated objects such as
people, filing cabinets, telephones, etc.
2. Identify the rules for governing the management of the information.
The simple graphical conventions used in IDEF1 models allow modelers
to distinguish between real-world objects and the physical or abstract
associations maintained between real-world objects
3. Identify deficiencies in the current management of the information.
IDEF1 models capture the data structure of principles for acquiring,
applying, and managing that information.
4. Specify what information will be managed in a TO-BE implementation.
The IDEF1X Data Modeling Method
IDEF1X is fundamentally a method for designing relational databases.
The methodology supports a syntax designed for the development of a
conceptual schema of real-world systems. A conceptual schema is a
single, integrated definition of the system data that is unbiased
towards any single application and independent of application access
and physical storage. As a result, IDEF1X is most useful for logical
database design after the information requirements are known and the
decision to implement a relational database has been made (functions
better served by the IDEF1 method). Hence, the IDEF1X system
perspective is focused on the actual data elements in a relational
For example, in contrast to object-oriented systems, IDEF1X requires
that the modeler designate a key class to distinguish one entity from
another. In addition, in situations where more than one attribute or
set of attributes will serve equally well for individuating IDEF1X
entities, the modeler must designate one as the primary key and list
all others as alternate keys. Explicit foreign key labeling is also
required. The resulting IDEF1X models are intended to be used as a
blueprint for the logical database design and implementation of that
Why Use IDEF1X?
1. Useful in determining when information voids are the cause of a
2. Consistent, extensible, and transformable
3. Provides consistent mapping and definition of enterprise data
Benefits of IDEF1X Analysis
1. Separate Facts from Folklore
2. Discover underlying cause for problems
3. Use directly as requirements
4. Implement results with policy or procedure change
Why Develop an IDEF1X Model?
1. Determine information resource management needs and requirements
2. Depict what information is collected, stored, and managed
3. Depict the rules governing the management of information
4. Validate the concepts in the associated IDEF0 model
5. Leverage information to achieve a competitive advantage
"EXPRESS G is a diagrammatic modeling notation for the purpose of an
objectoriented information modeling. This notation is based on the
standardized EXPRESS-G notation, which is itself described in ISO
10303-11: Industrial
Automation Systems Product Data Representation and Exchange Part
11: Description Methods: The EXPRESS Language Reference Manual."
Express-G Overview :
"Graphical notation for a subset of EXPRESS
Originally designed for documentation
Presents results of a data modeling activity
Software support -- EXPRESS-G used as a modeling technology"
Since the above link is part of a slideshow you can click the "next
slide" links to get the rest of the Express-G information there.
I hope that helps answer your question...if you have any questions
regarding the information above please feel free to post a
clarification and I will respond in a timely manner :)
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