Hi sweety18,
You can read a brief accounting of Cheese's art career at this
Bernard Cheese
It's provided by the museum at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Similar information is provided by the Thompson's Gallery Group at:
Untitled Document
If you have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view this file in
.pdf format at:
The John Russell Gallery
It's page 10 you need to see to learn about his education, selected
exhibitions, private and public collections, and some career
Otherwise, view it in HTML format at:
Click on his name in the index to link to the pertinent information.
The HTML version is just as good and much faster.
From the next web page, which is an interview with Bernard's daughter,
Chloe, you'll learn that as well as that daughter he has a son called
Ben. He was divorced from his wife, (the late) Sheila Robinson, who
was also an artist. As recently as this year he was still actively
pursuing his career.
"A joint exhibition of work by Chloe and Bernard Cheese will take
place at The John Russell Gallery, Ipswich in 2002."
According to the details in this Google search link, Cheese was born
in 1925. That would place him in his late seventies.
"Bernard Cheese "Bon Appetit! ... Lithographs and watercolours by the
celebrated painter-printmaker
Bernard Cheese (b.1925) from the School of Art Collection. ..."
On the site itself, I saw no reference to him, though.
"Art in Action is a 4 day showcase of the best in visual arts. Having
begun in 1977 with a few dozen high calibre artists and craftspeople
willing to set up mini studios in marquees where they could work and
demonstrate the creative process to a few thousand art lovers, the
event has grown to become one of Britain's premier art festivals."
In July, 2002 Bernard Cheese was a demonstrator at this popular event
in the field of printmaking.
"The preparation and drawing on to the lithographic stone. Handrolling
and printing of multi-colour images from stone."
Art in Action is now clearly established as one of the notable ...
Search strategy:
"Bernard Cheese"
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=%22Bernard+Cheese%22&btnG=Google+Search |