Offically, from Pinnacle Systems, you cannot. The DC-30 product was
designed to work with Premiere, and the DC-10 product was designed to
be an all-inclusive package.
Unofficially, you can, with some workarounds. I have not tried any of
these, having upgraded to the DV-10 product some time back.
"Unistall Version 7. Install Premiere. Install the cap card. When
asked for a driver. instert the Version 7 disk. After all that start
premiere. Select capture. selects edit in the capture window setings.
Select "vfw". Select Video input change from s-video to composite. The
DC10plus doesn't do DV so I don't know how your able to output. But
then I guess it dosn't pass through the card when outputing to DV.
Exit out of video input. Select "video overlay". Your done. actually,
you may need to "test" your disk speeds first in the "Video format
section." from:
Also, a user on the Pinnacle webboards by the name of 'Goodrat' claims
to have written a small program to switch the card from DC-10 to DC-30
modes; the above link should also show you his posts. The switcher
software is available from:
The directions for this are somewhat unclear, but read as such:
"...DCSwitcher which uses it but switches back and forth with a click.
But read the readme. It assumes program directories are the defaults
on drive C. Back up your dll. DCSwitcher (that I wrote in Visual
Basic) swaps the Filuk's dll with the latest DC10+ 1.06 dll and
installs the premiere 6 plug-in in and out and closes and opens
misitray as required. (a window pops up and asks if you want DC10+ or
DC30+ mode or just turn off misitray)."
However, it may not work properly, it may drop frames, and it may not
support all of the features.
Additionally, Premiere can edit AVI files captured by the card using
the Studio application or by using AVI-IO. If your core problem is
that the Studio 1.06 software doesn't work with Windows XP, you can
simply use AVI-IO to do the import and export of the video, and edit
with Premiere.
Another 'hack' to get it to work is to install the Premiere drivers
for the DC-30 card from Pinnacle. This was apparantly successful for
the Premiere 5.1 application; I don't know about the 6.x series.
"Download the latest DC30+ drivers from Pinnacle web side and install
the premiere plugins (I believe it is the 3rd item in a custom
install. So
Not the drivers and utilities!!)" from:
The drivers for the DC-30 are found at the Pinnacle site:
I hope this answers your question; if you need further clarification,
please ask before rating this answer.
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