The instructions are in the helpfile for the program
you are using to connect to IRC, or internet relay chat.
The instructions will be quite similar, no matter which
program you use, but the most common is mIRC, created
by Khaled Mardam-Bey. The homepage is here:
Files are sent and received via DCC, or 'Direct Client
to Client' connections.
Here are excerpts from the mIRC helpfile:
"Sending & Receiving Files"
"The ability to Send and Receive files is one of the most
useful features of mIRC since it allows you to share all
kinds of information with other people on IRC."
"Warning: If you've never shared files before, please read
the Accepting Files on IRC section so as to be aware of the
dangers of accepting files from others before you start."
"On IRC, a method called DCC Send and DCC Get is used to
connect directly to another IRC client to Send and Get
files, instead of going through the IRC network. The IRC
network is used only to initiate the DCC Send request."
"DCC Send"
"DCC Send allows you to send a file to another user. You
can do this by clicking on the DCC Send toolbar button
to open the DCC Send dialog. You can then enter the
nickname of the user, select the file you want to send,
and click on the Send button."
"mIRC will then tell the user that you want to send them
a file. The user then has to accept your send request,
at which point the file transfer will begin."
"Packet Size"
"The packet size is the number of bytes that mIRC will
send to another client in one packet. The minimum is
512, the maximum is 8192."
Understand from this that you cannot initiate a download
from another person. They must initiate a 'send' to you,
which you have the option to accept or reject. Please
have some way to scan incoming files for viruses before
opening them.
However, files can be automatically downloaded when
they are triggered by chatroom events where another user
'calls' the file. In order for the music file to play
(usually an mp3 file), the file must exist on your hard
drive. you can configure mIRC to 'autoget' these files,
providing both you and the initiating user have certain
boxes checked in the DCC setup dialog.
DCC setup is covered in detail at, the
home of the #QuiltChat channel on IRC:
Also be aware that, in order for DCC to work at all,
your IP address must be correct in the 'local info'
tab in the mIRC setup window. Instructions for
ensuring this are found on the website for the
'50+retired' channel, along with DCC setup:
Please do not rate this answer until you are satisfied that
the answer cannot be improved upon by means of a dialog with
the researcher through the "Request for Clarification" process.
Searches done, via Google:
"DCC setup" mIRC
:// |