I am looking for details about a specific Olympic medalist from times
back. The only information I have is this:
1. Her first name is Victoria.
2. She probably competed for Poland (perhaps Canada) in Olympic games
in Australia and Moscow.
3. Today, she's 67, so that would likely place her competing somewhere
in the early- to mid- 50s. (While there were Olympics games in
Melbourne during this period, I couldn't find any in Moscow or
anywhere in the former USSR. Perhaps it was Commonweath Games?
4. She won gold and silver medals, likely in the 100 metre race.
I don't need contact info, just full name and confirmation/details of
her events. If you can find details about her life since or before,
that would be a bonus.
Help! :-) |
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Dec 2002 21:00 PST
Are you sure about the first name and the nation she competed for? I
found a woman with the first name of Victoria who competed in the '48
games in London, though it was for the United States and it was not in
track and field. Other than that, there was no woman with that first
name that has won a medal in any Olympics in any sport. The Victoria
I found would be 75 today. I will keep looking.
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Dec 2002 21:24 PST
I have also checked the results of the Commonwealth games of 1950,
1954, 1958 and 1962 and again, no Victoria winning a medal in any
track events. If she was from Poland, she probably would not have
competed in the Commonwealth games, but from Canada she may have. I
checked all Canadian medal winners in those games and there was no
Victoria. Do you have any additional information that may get us in
the right direction?
Clarification of Question by
30 Dec 2002 23:39 PST
Hi tar_heel - hmmmmmm... I wonder if I have the wrong first name. Let
me dig around for another clue...
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Dec 2002 23:54 PST
jhabley -
Following up on thv's comments - Victoria was a diver. I also looked
at the commonwealth games, but they would never had been held in
Would be helpful to know if she participated in any team events, set
any records, exact events she competed in, and of course a last name.
Great fun to look, in any event!
Request for Question Clarification by
31 Dec 2002 09:53 PST
jhabley --
Was the athlete a Canadian of Polish extraction? I have turned up a
prominent Canadian female sprinter from the right era (and
Commonwealth Games medalist) whose surname is clearly Polish, but her
first name is not Victoria. I join the other commenters in awaiting
any further clues you might be able to offer.
Clarification of Question by
31 Dec 2002 13:17 PST
Thanks folks -- we're pretty sure her first name was indeed Victoria,
so I'm going to close this question. :( Fun one to try, though.