The best way to build muscle is to vary your types of resistance.
Isokinetic, isometric and isotonic. You should perform the benchpress
for instance one day, then follow up with doing a half push up as long
as possible until your muscles burn so bad you have to go to the
ground. Finally you should work out with dumb bells and alternate
lying on your back then your stomach on a bench getting both positive
and negative resistance. Depending on what you plan to achieve is how
you should schedule your work out. If you want to tone up and get a
"cut" chest you should work out with high repetitions and low weight.
For a bulky, building technique, you should do fewer reps with a
larger amount of weight. Always allow your body time to recover, and
drink about a gallon of water per day. You should also find the
maximum amount of weight that you can lift on any given exercise and
pattern your work out according to your max. For example, if you can
bench press 200 lbs one time, that is you max. To tone up, you could
do 3 sets of 100 lbs at 12-15 reps. If you want to bulk up, you could
do 3 sets of 160 lbs at 5-8 reps. And if you really want to challenge
yourself, do what is called a pyramid---5 reps at 80lbs, 4 reps at
100lbs, 3 reps at 120lbs, 2 reps at 140lbs, and 1 rep at 160lbs. It
doesn't sound too tough, but try it some time. That formula is 5@40%,
4@50%, 3@60%, 2@70%, and 1@80%. Good luck, and remember, safety
first. |