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Q: WTC attack Caspian Oil ( Answered 2 out of 5 stars,   4 Comments )
Subject: WTC attack Caspian Oil
Category: Reference, Education and News > Current Events
Asked by: stephville-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 07 May 2002 08:54 PDT
Expires: 14 May 2002 08:54 PDT
Question ID: 13596
Where can I find a comprehensive response from an accredited source of
repute debunking the conspiracy theory that George W. Bush
ordered the WTC/9-11 attacks in order to justify attacking Afghanistan
for the purpose of securing access to the Caspian Oil Reserves (ala
Thierry Meyssan).
Subject: Re: WTC attack Caspian Oil
Answered By: binhminh-ga on 07 May 2002 16:11 PDT
Rated:2 out of 5 stars
Your question is a very interesting one.  In research this subject, I
discovered a few articles reviews on the book and Mr. Thierry
Meyssan’s argument.  Most of these articles are in French from the
French newspapers.  You can get the translated versions by using
Google’s automated translation tools.   One poignant article is in
English, from a more conservative American publication, National
Review,  critiquing Meyssan’s theory and at the same time, presenting
the author’s personal eye-witness account on 9/11 incidence.  The next
article listed is by a European Deputy with a very different political
viewpoint. The remaining articles are by an assortment of journalists
for well-respected media sources. Le Monde, in particular, conducted
independent interviews to verify their positions. While you might not
consider one or more of these a sufficiently reputable accredited
source, collectively they are quite convincing. Thank you for your
question and I hope the information below is helpful.

“9/11 Denial,” James S. Robbins, National Review’s contributing
editor, April 9, 2002.

“L'affaire Meyssan et la destruction de la raison,” Alain Lipietz,
Green Party,  European Deputy, April 1, 2002.

“11 Septembre : le grand mensonge des Etats-Unis,” Philippe Blanchard,
Digipresse, March 13, 2002.

“Les journalistes et le livre de Thierry Meyssan,” Gaïdz Minassian, Le
Monde, May 2, 2002.,5987,3236--268249-,00.html

Other links on the subject: 

“Notion that US staged attack on Pentagon lures France,” Rebecca
Harrison, Reuters journalist, The Boston Globe, April 1, 2002.

“French lap up Pentagon crash 'fraud',” BBC News, April 2, 2002.

“A Government Plot?,” Rebecca Harrison, CBS, April 2, 2002.

“French Book, A Best-Seller, Denies Pentagon Crash,” Mike Wendling, London Bureau Chief, April 05, 2002\ForeignBureaus\archive\200204\FOR20020405c.html

“September 11 attacks exposed as ‘an appalling fraud’,”,
April 9, 2002.

“US invented air attack on Pentagon, claims French book,” Jon Henley,
The Guardian, April 1, 2002.,11209,677112,00.html

Search terms used:

Thierry Meyssan

Thierry Meyssan critique

Thierry Meyssan book review

Thierry Meyssan book 

Request for Answer Clarification by stephville-ga on 14 May 2002 21:16 PDT
binhminh's answer contained nothing about the so called conspiracy
envolving George W. Bush but the referance to the National
Review's article combined with an article that I found in the Ft.
Worth Star Telegram was enough so that my neighbor  believed that she
could refute her Aunt's argument. How about binhminh and I split the
$10.00 two ways $5.00 for him and $5.00 for me?stephville.
stephville-ga rated this answer:2 out of 5 stars
Check below for my request for clarification

Subject: Re: WTC attack Caspian Oil
From: mvguy-ga on 07 May 2002 09:47 PDT
Just a personal opinion:  Anybody who would believe such a
preposterous theory wouldn't believe any source, no matter how
reputable, who denies it.
Subject: Re: WTC attack Caspian Oil
From: dr_p_chop_bbq-ga on 07 May 2002 13:06 PDT
Here are two sources that have reports on conspircay theory aspects of Sept. 11:

Project Censored

The Guerrilla New Network
Subject: Re: WTC attack Caspian Oil
From: gary7-ga on 07 May 2002 18:08 PDT
All things should be questioned-regardless the source.
Subject: Re: WTC attack Caspian Oil
From: cogpsych-ga on 10 Jul 2002 10:52 PDT
Sorry, just an HTML test...please disregard (it would be nice if
Google would allow message previews then I wouldn't need this post).

<p>Paragraph 1</p>
<p>Paragraph 2</p>
<a href="://">Link to Google</a>
<li>Item 1
<li>Item 2
<li>Item 3

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