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Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: calaboss-ga List Price: $2.00 |
02 Jan 2003 05:31 PST
Expires: 01 Feb 2003 05:31 PST Question ID: 136374 |
I've been plenty hammered plenty of times. I've done so with beer, wine, vodka, gin, whisky and rum (though usually not in the same evening). But I've only had tequila on three occasions. On each of those occasions I peed on something or somebody I shouldn't have. The last instance being so embarrassing that I've not had tequila in over a decade. I've been much more drunk on other forms of alcohol. I've also consumed much more, much faster than I did with the tequila, yet I never peed anywhere inappropriate- just puked on my shoes and/or passed out. The question is, What the hell does tequila have in it that makes it affect me this way? I've been Googling for some time, and am fairly adept at it, but all I can come up with is humor sites about how tequila makes you bullet-proof. If your answer has horrible misspellings because you're laughing so hard at me, I'll deduct a point from your score. Thank you for your time. |
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Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
Answered By: tehuti-ga on 07 Jan 2003 11:30 PST |
Hello calaboss, Thank you kindly :) I'll just repost my answer here to keep everyone happy. One traditional use for agave sap, apart from making tequila, is as a diuretic (ie to induce peeing) eg "The sap has been used to produce soap and for medicinal purposes as a diuretic, and to cure ulcers and bruises." http://www.yougrowgirl.com/explore/super_agave3.php Alcohol in itself is a diuretic "Alcohol also decreases blood levels of the hormone vassopressin. Vassopressin is an anti-diuretic so by decreasing levels of this hormone, alcohol increases urinary outflow." http://www.nyu.edu/classes/azmitia/lectures/lecture17/Alcohol-Marijuana/ Therefore, tequila could well give you a double diuretic whammy and make you want to pee A LOT. Alcohol also decreases your sense of inhibition, and your motor coordination. "After 4 to 5 units most people feel less inhibited and more relaxed. After 8 or so units, most people slur their speech and become less co-ordinated and clumsy." http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~harl/alcohol.html Add those effects to the urgent messages being put out by your bladder to your somewhat befuddled brain, and that might just explain why you start peeing where normally you wouldn't. |
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Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: bookface-ga on 02 Jan 2003 06:46 PST |
Most likely you've been drinking shabby tequila. No offense intended. Check out this page for some info on the various types: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/jarman/454/tequila.html What kind of tequila were you drinking, exactly? |
Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: baxendale-ga on 02 Jan 2003 10:59 PST |
Maybe the best question I've read. Ever. So I just did a search for "effects of tequila" and found TONS of sites that discuss the unique properties of tequila. Are they scientific? Not all of them, but they do all claim that tequila has unique effects compared to other distilled alcohols. Some even specifically pointed to a common desire to disrobe when under the influence of tequila. A familiar symptom? Hmm? My recommendation: Strap on a pair of www.depend.com, and you and yours should be safe for a good 14 hours. bottoms up. bax |
Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: calaboss-ga on 02 Jan 2003 11:30 PST |
To Bookface: One time, I know it was Cuervo Gold. I'm not sure about the other two, but I don't see how that matters. It's like "tequila verus the world of other booze." As long as it's a professional distillery, it should be the same basic chemical formula. To Bax: I've never disrobed for Tequila......But her sister was another story! |
Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: vla1-ga on 06 Jan 2003 19:34 PST |
calaboss - I think it's like this: Certain "spirits" affect people differently. I know some people who say, "...I CAN'T drink gin..it messes me up like no other..." or "....beer is fine, wine is fine, but Champagne makes me do things I'd never do otherwise....". Like bookface suggests, you may have had shabby tequila, but my guess goes beyond this. I once sat in a bar with some guys who were gonna "teach me to drink tequila right". Well, after 6 or 7 shots, they were toast, and I was standing tall. I can't say that I can drink tequila all night, but it certainly didn't do to me what it did to them, tho. We're all different. My suggestion (not that you asked): enjoy your drinking (or drunk) on other stuff. Know your "weaknesses" and stay away from 'em. You can still enjoy being drunk......'till the morning! |
Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: tehuti-ga on 07 Jan 2003 05:13 PST |
Hello calaboss, One traditional use for agave sap, apart from making tequila, is as a diuretic (ie to induce peeing) eg "The sap has been used to produce soap and for medicinal purposes as a diuretic, and to cure ulcers and bruises." http://www.yougrowgirl.com/explore/super_agave3.php Alcohol in itself is a diuretic "Alcohol also decreases blood levels of the hormone vassopressin. Vassopressin is an anti-diuretic so by decreasing levels of this hormone, alcohol increases urinary outflow." http://www.nyu.edu/classes/azmitia/lectures/lecture17/Alcohol-Marijuana/ Therefore, tequila could well give you a double diuretic whammy and make you want to pee A LOT. Alcohol also decreases your sense of inhibition, and your motor coordination. "After 4 to 5 units most people feel less inhibited and more relaxed. After 8 or so units, most people slur their speech and become less co-ordinated and clumsy." http://area51.upsu.plym.ac.uk/~harl/alcohol.html Add those effects to the urgent messages being put out by your bladder to your somewhat befuddled brain, and that might just explain why you start peeing where normally you wouldn't. |
Re: Tequila & peeing on things & people you shouldn't
From: calaboss-ga on 07 Jan 2003 08:39 PST |
To vlal: That was pretty much my thinking too. Oh, and I don't plan on EVER drinking tequila again. To tehuti: I believe that is as close an answer as can be given to this question. And it makes me feel a little better about an incident that still plagues my memories. Post it as one (just say "boo") and the cash is yours. I see you are careful as to what questions you answer. I won't disappoint you in the rating. |
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