3 lines (of correct syntax) is all that's required:
1. how to include text output of a perl script in webpage
<!-- #include virtual="myscript.pl" -->
or something.. iirc)
2. the name of the environment variable that gives the time on the
local server
($ENV{Local_Time} or something?)
3. the name of an environment variable from which I could deduce as
accurately as possible, the country from which the web page request
(I'm writing a short script to only display a contact telephone number
between 9am & 5pm when the page was requested from within the UK,
otherwise display a contact form - but can't quite remember the correct
syntax) |
Clarification of Question by
03 Jan 2003 13:34 PST
pseudocode so far, any help to get this done quickly appreciated.
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
domainextension = regex on $ENV{'original request from'}
timenow = regex on $ENV{'servers local time'} & convert to numeric variable
if(domainextension=='co.uk'&& timenow >= 900 && timenow <= 1700){
print "Please contact me on xxxxx xxx xxx";
print "<form action ='./cgi-bin/contactform.pl'>\n";
print "Enter email <input type='text' size='30'><br>\n";
print "Enter comment <input type='text' size='30'\n";
print "</form>\n";
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Jan 2003 13:39 PST
what web server are you using?
some of these things are done differently with different servers
so, are you using Apache or Microsoft or something else?
Clarification of Question by
03 Jan 2003 13:50 PST
Hello jes5199,
Unix / Apache as far as I'm aware. I'll check and post back as soon as
I can, give me a few minutes..
Here's what I have so far, can you help me out with getting hold of
the current time on my server & deciding if it's between 9am and 5pm
(the localtime environment variable & maybe a couple of regexes on
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$domainextension = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'};
$domainextension =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$domainextension =~ s/.*\.//;
$timenow = regex on $ENV{'servers local time'} & convert 24 hr clock
to 4 digit numeric variable
if($domainextension=='uk'&& $timenow >= 900 && $timenow <= 1700){
print "Please contact me on xxxxx xxx xxx";
print "<form action ='./cgi-bin/contactform.pl'>\n";
print "Enter email <input type='text' size='30'><br>\n";
print "Enter comment <input type='text' size='30'\n";
print "</form>\n";
Clarification of Question by
03 Jan 2003 13:53 PST
Yes, Unix & Apache/1.3.22 Server
Clarification of Question by
03 Jan 2003 14:15 PST
Just tested the code, works on my server so far. I can see I might run
into trouble deciding on a user's whereabouts on the basis of
REMOTE_HOST, but that's not too important. Avoiding displaying a
contact phone number at night, based on the server's time, is the
really important thing.
I'm stumped now.. over to you?