I have searched high and low for information on your topic with very
little success. I have tried several general topic journal and
magazine indices as well as ERIC. I found two articles that may be
helpful if you can get copies of them:
-Freeman, Vicki S. and Morss, Judy. Study Habits and Academic
Achievement Among Asian Students. _College Student Journal_ 27(3);
-Gonzalez, V., Fernandez-Gaucherand, E. and Baker, D.C. A Descriptive
Study of College Minorty and Majority Students' Attitudes Toward
Engeineering Courses and Peer Study Groups. _Proceedings-Frontiers in
Education Conference_ (1994).
I also found several references to the work of Uri Treisman from the
University of California at Berkley during the 1980s (1985) and the
early 1990s (1992) regarding minority student acheivement in calculus.
He refers to Asian students participation in study groups.
Finally, I would recommend that you search the educational, and social
science database of your local university library. Generally, the type
of research you are looking for would be covered in these type of
subject specific resources.
Good luck.
cynabun |