Hello dottie27-ga,
It's the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the club soda that allows it to
remove stains.
American Chemistry Council, ChemEcology Magazine, June 2001, Seeing
Spots? Taking the Pain out of Stain Removal, By Melissa H. Jackson
Another option with a fresh stain such as grape juice is the old
standby, club soda. Pour club soda over the stain and blot. The CO2
bubbles in the soda break up the long-chain organic molecules that
hold the stain together, and the resulting water-soluble fragments
wash away with the soda.
Good luck with your project.
Google search strategy:
stain removal club soda chemistry
://www.google.com/search?q=stain+removal+club+soda+chemistry&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off |